妙用食用油与香醋/Flavored Oils & Vinegars

出版时间:2007-6  出版社:Parragon  作者:Ann Kleinberg  页数:96  


Open up your kitchen to the 50 international recipes in this collection and discover a whole new culinary world. From the classic Basil Oil in the Bruschetta with Tomato,Red Onion and Basil Salsa, to the luxurious Orange Spice Oil in the Orange Spice Muffins, the versatility of these infusions will inspire you to create delicious oils and vinegars to spice up mealtimes.


IntroductionIntroduction to OilsBasil OilMint OilTomato, Mozzarella, and Bas KabobsBruschetta with Tomato, Red Onion. and Basil SalsaYogurt Soup with Pomegranates and Mint OilGarlic, Chili, and Oreqano Parsley and Cilantro OilRoasted Antipasti with Garlic Chili, and Oregano OilFocaccia with Tomato, Mozzarella and Red OnionTuna Ceviche with Parsley and Cilantro OilRoasted Tomato OilLemon Pepper OilOuinoa Salad with Sun-Dried Tomatoes. Black Olives, and FetaFettuccine with Lemon Pepper SeafoodRosemary, Lemon, and Thyme OilLemonqrass and Lime OilGrilled Lamb Chops in Rosemary Lemon, and Thyme OilRoasted Chicken with Rosemary,Lemon, and Thyme Oil RubSizzling Lemongrass Beef with Asparagus and Red PepperSteamed Sea Bass with Lemongrass and Lime OilWalnut Oil Oranqe Spice OilEndive Salad with Roquefort, Figs and Walnut OilBanana Walnut Bread Orange Spice MuffinsIntroduction to VinegarsDill and Peppercorn VineqarGarlic, Chili, and Red Wine VineqarCucumber SaladGarlic and Chili Barbecue MarinadeSpicy Icy GazpachoCaraway and Cider VineqarManqo, Tarraqon, andChampaqne VineqarBeet and Caraway BorschtBraised Red Cabbage and ApplesMango, Bell Pepper, and Pineapple SalsaLemonqrass, Ginqer, and Garlic VineqarOinqer and Star Anise VineqarAsian Coleslaw……



    妙用食用油与香醋/Flavored Oils & Vinegars PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   不错,挺实用的,图片也好漂亮,值得爱好西餐的朋友以试。
  •   内容太少,只是介绍了几个香料油和几个食谱。

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