Atlas of the World 世界地图

出版时间:2007-8  作者:Not Available (NA)  页数:256  


The Atlas of the World is packed with facts and provides an exciting jopurney in which young readers can explore for themselves the world and its people. Each region is examined in depth, showing its position on the globe and its terrain and landscape.   Fact boxes contain important information such as capital city, population, and language. The history pages give a valuable timeline of the important events in each country's past. This atlas is an indispensable source of reference for every family.


INTRODUCTION   Plnet Earth  The Earth in Space  Land and Sea  The Changing Earth  Shaping the Land  Weather and Climate  Plants and Animals  Population  Industry and Economy   The Environment  World Facts  Countries of the WorldEUROPE  Euope:Introducion   Scandinavia and the Far North   The Low Countries  The British Isles  France  Germany  Iberian Peninsula  Italy and its Neighbours  Central Eruope and the Baltic  The BalkansTHE AMERICASASIAAFRICAOCEANIAOCEANSPOLAR LANDSGlossaryIndex of Place NamesGeneral IndexAcknowledgements



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   很不错。小女儿的老外老师要他们带本世界地图册子,找了半天只有当当网有,而且有现货。2天就到了,女儿高兴的不得了。推荐给班上家长,就他们班级一下子定了7-8本。
  •   因为是公司里买来做培训用的,所以还是很符合老板的要求,全英文版的。整本书的纸质、印刷、设计等个人都很喜欢。只是封面右下角有点压皱了,不过不影响整体。

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