Lost Boy失踪的男孩

出版时间:1997-1  出版社:7-09999  作者:Dave Pelzer  


Book Description 
As a child, Dave Pelzer never had a real home. Rescued from an alcoholic, abusive mother, his only possessions were the old torn clothes he carried in a paper bag; the only world he knew was one of isolation and fear.
In The Lost Boy Dave Pelzer relives his life as a foster child, in and out of five different homes. There were those who felt that all foster kids were trouble – unworthy of love – and resented his presence, forcing him to suffer yet more shame. But through it all Dave never stopped hoping and searching for the love of a real family.
Sequel to the international bestseller A Child Called ‘It’ :
Book Dimension
length: (cm)17.8                 width:(cm)10.8




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