学龄前儿童关键词Gold Stars Magnetic Key Words-Pre-schoo

出版时间:2008-1  出版社:Parragon Book Service Ltd  作者:本社 编  页数:24  


This Gold Stars workbook has been speciaUg created tohelp develop earlg literacg skills.  The author, Nina Filipek, is a teacher and expert in the fieldof primarg education.  MAGNETIC KEY WORDS includes helpful guidelines forparents, plus parent notes for the activities.  The clearlg designed pages, brightlg coloured picturesand magnetic words make learning both easg and fun.


Catch the ballCircle the picture 1Connect the soundsMatch the namesFind the rhgmes 1Find the middle soundCircle the picture 2Fishing funDraw the linesCircle the wordSnail rhgmesSag the namesSag the wordsCircle the first letterMatch the wordFind the rhgmes 2Answer the questionsCircle the picture 3Circle the odd one outTick the sentenceAnswers



    学龄前儿童关键词Gold Stars Magnetic Key Words-Pre-schoo PDF格式下载

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  •   内容简单容易使孩子愿意阅读。但是进口书比较贵。

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