50种曲奇制作方法 1 Dough 50 Cookies

出版时间:2008-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:118  


MuFFins are great Fun to malee and eat - whether  you lilee them fresh and fruity in the form oF a classic Blueberry MuFFin, or you are in the moodFor something extravagant, such as a Decadent Chocolate DessertMuffin, you will Find something to please in this fabulouscollection. The 50 recipes in this collection are all based on a basic muFFin mix, using delicious and imaginative variations to create Fantastic muffins you will want to make time and time again. BeautiFully photographed, this is the perfect book For true muFFin lovers!


IntroductionIndulgentFruit NutCelebratorySavouryHealthyIndex



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