THE HEAT IS ON 热能从哪里来的

出版时间:2001-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:Shelley Tanaka  著  页数:56  


We are in tbe lnidst of an energy crisis. We're running out of heating oil and gasoline, tearing up our wilderness with hydro dams and damaging our heahh with nuclear power.And out production of energy may be the biggest cause of pollution in the world today.    In The Heat Is On you'll find out where our energy comes from and why it is creating a problem. But you'll also discover that there are bright spots from the many plans to develop alternative clean energy sources, to the many ways we can all help, by using energy more thoughtfully and efficiently.


Shelley Tanaka is an editor and author of several popular books for children.


PART 1:What Is Energy,and Why Do We Use So Much of It?PART 2:Where Does Energy Come From?  Fossil Fuels  Water Power  Nuclear Power  Other Sources of EnergyPART 3:What Can We Do?GlossaryIndex



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用户评论 (总计8条)


  •   内容相当不错,从语言到图片,连我这个家长都看得津津有味,可以学到许多生活中的科学用语和知识。太内容有些深,可能只适合高中生(或能力较强的初中生)独立阅读。我女儿小学三年级,完全接受不了。
  •   需要有一定的英文基础,才能阅读此书。
  •   内容还可以,就是文字比较多,大概要陪着孩子才肯看呢!
  •   国内还没有发现这类读物,可以在向小朋友讲解科普知识的同时帮助妈妈复习英语,太好了!
  •   文章很清新,需要带着孩子一起读。
  •   为了让他锻炼英文的阅读能力
  •   内容上还是比较通俗易懂的,利用很多生活中的小事来说明自然现象。不过因为图比较少,所以需要孩子有一定的耐心。或者孩子有时候只对其中的一部分感兴趣,能听听,但不可能像讲故事一样一天看一个章节。等到他能自己阅读了,估计要高中水平了
  •   适合初中到高中水平的阅读。

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