First Dogs 美国总统和他们的好朋友

出版时间:2009-6  出版社:McCormick Mathers  作者:Janis, Brooke  页数:163  


From Washington's foxhound to Clinton's Labrador--and every imaginable breed in between--the presidential pooches have faithfully stood by their masters through good times and bad, successfully endearing themselves to millions of people along the way. In First Dogs: American Presidents and Their Best Friends, Roy Rowan (correspondent for Life, Time, and Fortune) and photojournalist Brooke Janis take an entertaining look at presidential history from a dog's point of view. Highlighting the "four-footed goodwill ambassadors" who have, over the years, not only humanized their distinguished masters, but also played political roles--both in gaining votes and boosting their bosses' popularity--this "lighthearted romp through American history" introduces such memorable characters as FDR's Scottie, Fala, who attended the signing of the Atlantic Charter aboard the cruiser Augusta; Millie, Bush's springer spaniel, who dictated her own bestselling memoir; and Lincoln's mongrel, Fido, who sadly suffered the same fate as his master.


Roy Rowan has been a correspondent and editor for Life, Time, and Fortune and has contributed to other major magazines. He is the author of numerous books and articles on business, foreign affairs, and politics, including The Intuitive Manager, The Four D



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