崩溃边缘的剧评家Max Jamison by Wilfrid Sheed

出版时间:2001-11  作者:Wilfred Sheed  


Book Description 
A National Book Award nominee in 1971, this is a fiercely funny novel about a theater reviewer on the verge of burn-out.
From Library Journal
Sheed's portrait of theater critic Max Jamison, who is on the edge of burning out, garnered a National Book Award nomination in 1970. Max's work is going to hell, his wife has left him, and he tries to fill the void with numerous sexual escapades that don't seem to help. This edition contains a new afterword by the author. Also new to the series is Sheed's The Morning After and Long After, a 1971 collection of essays and reviews.
Book Dimension
Height (mm) 207                      Width (mm) 133



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