Babybop Pretends 假装的音乐家

出版时间:1970-1  出版社:Scholastic  作者:本社 编著  


This book offers fun ideas to help young children use their imaginations in their own pretend play. It is through pretend play that young children learn about the world around them. You can help to stimulate your child's imagination by discussing each of Baby Bop's pretend situations and asking how your child would pretend to be a doctor, a firefighter, a zookeeper, etc.  We consider books to be life-long gifts that develop and enhance the love of reading. We hope you enjoy reading along with Barney and Baby Bop!



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用户评论 (总计2条)


  •   挺便宜的,我喜欢原版书,就是封皮太硬,怕扎到宝宝
  •   我以19.2元的价格购买的,但我撕下当当网贴上的标签时,发现上面有新华书店的价格标签是13元。我当时一直郁闷。不过我在当地新华书店也没有发现过这本书。

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