Hooked on Phonics Second Grade Super Workbook迷上自然发音法 G-2 超级练习册ISBN9781604991321

出版时间:2009-5  出版社:Simon & Schuster  作者:Hooked On Phonics  页数:320  


  Hooked on Phonics 2nd Grade Workbook is packed with colorful
pages loaded with activities that were designed to give kids
practice in reading, writing, math and critical thinking skills.
320 pages of learning and fun Reinforces word games, reading
comprehension, spelling, addition and subtraction, time, money and
fractions. Includes 5 colorful progress posters and 350 stickers to
track children's progress Designed for children ages 7 to 8.



    Hooked on Phonics Second Grade Super Workbook迷上自然发音法 G-2 超级练习册ISBN9781604991321 PDF格式下载

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