出版时间:2006-8  出版社:Lonely Planet Publications  作者:Andrea Schulte-Peevers,Tom Parkinson  页数:346  


Brassy, bold and beautiful in its austerity, Berlin is a sexy temptress that will ensnare you with her infinite riches; she's a creative genius that will amaze you with ideas and trends uniquely her own; she's a hotbed of hedonism, feasting passionately on the bountiful buffet of life; and, above all, she's a clever chameleon, endlessly adaptable and thriving on change, almost persuing it like a drug. Berlin is all that and then some to the people who live here and those ready to make the journey to the depths of her past, present and future.   o FIND THE NIGHTLIFE - whether you're here for the classics or the clubbing, we'll help you find your Szene   o EAT IN STYLE - from funky breakfast cafés to the finest Currywurst in town - we've got it covered   o BAG A BARGAIN - designer boutiques, vintage clothing, art galleries and antiques...we tell you the places where the locals shop   o TUCK UP TIGHTLY in sleek designer sheets - be they hostel or hotel - whatever your budget, we help you stay in style


Introducing BerlinCity lifeArtsArchitectureHistorySightsWalking BerlinEatingEntertainmentShoppingSleepingExcursionsDirectoryLanguageIndexMaps




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