
出版时间:2007-4  作者:Dearlove, Des  页数:172  


  In many ways,Richard Branson and his company the Virgin Group are unique.In an era dominated by strategists,Branson is an opportunist with an uncanny knack of sniffing out great deals where others hesitate or fear to tread.Never before has a single brand been so successfully deployed across such a diverse range of goods and services.Branson is the ultimate brand builder.  So how does he do it? Now bought completely up to date for this new edition,Business the Richard Branson Way,not only reveals the secrets of Branson's remarkable success but also draws out the universal lessons and identifies strategies that can be applied to any business or career.From picking on someone bigger than you to moving faster than a speeding bullet,and from making work fun to keeping the common touch,you have in your hands the secrets of phenomenal success.


AcknowledgmentsRichard Branson RevisitedThe Life and Times of Richard BransonOne:Pick on Someone Bigger Than YouTwo:Do the Hippy,Hippy ShakeThree:Haggle:Everything's NegotiableFour:Make Work FunFive:Do Right by Your BrandSix:Smile for the CamerasSeven:Don't Lead Sheep,Herd CatsEight:Move Faster Than a Speeding BulletNine:Size Does MatterTen:Never Lose the Common TouchHow to build a Brand the Branson WayLast WordIndex



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