希腊岛屿指南The Rough Guide to the Greek Islands - 5th edition

出版时间:2004-09-06  出版社:Rough Guides  作者:Lance Chilton,Marc Dubin,Mark Ellingham  页数:672  


The Rough Guide to the Greek Islands is an essential guide to the varied and beautiful archipelagos of the Aegean and Ionian seas. The guide includes a 24-page ''Things not to Miss'' section - a full-colour introduction to the islands'' highlights. There is in-depth coverage of all the islands, from hedonistic Ios in the Cyclades to tranquil Symi in the Dodecanese. For all regions, there is up-to-the-minute accommodation, restaurant and nightlife listings and practical details on a host of activities, from windsurfing off Kós to trekking on Crete. For those on the move, there is comprehansive information on inter-island ferries and local transport and maps and plans for every island group.



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