趣味涂画 Paint & Print Fun Book

出版时间:1970-1  出版社:Oversea Publishing House  作者:本社 编  页数:156  


Well. all you need are ordinary materia s like vegetabies, tinfoil, paper doilies, even your own fingers to make all kinds of arrlazing things -- without too much mess.  Follow Steve and Megumi's step-.by-step instructions and clear diagrams and you can make all kinds of professional designs - to hang on your wal! or to giwe to your fdends.


IntroductionAcknowledgementsHelpful tipsColour contrastsFinger printingSymmetrical designsReflectionsString printsBits and pieces boxDot printsGlitter printsPerfumed printsLeaf printsTemplate printsMaking a bookletCorrugated card printsPaper doily printsBits and pieces printsToy building brick printsVegetable stampsMaking a print rollerPrinting with a print rollerPlasticine funAtomizer and spray paintsFun with an atomizerCutout printsMaking letters and numbersAlphabet stencilsAlphabet templatesJapanese stencilsJapanese marblingBlack and white scratch printsColour scratch printsBubble-bubble printsWash away printsPaste and paint printsInvisible messageOld treasure mapStained glass windowTin foil impressionsPaper embossingItajime Shibori (paper dyeing)



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用户评论 (总计1条)


  •   内容还是可以的,而且我发现国内一些早教机构其实是在用其中的一些方法教孩子们画画,但就是全英文的,书也比较早和旧了。

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
