跨越文化的交流 Communicating Across Cultures

出版时间:2000-12  出版社:John Wiley & Sons  作者:Prince, Don W./ Hoppe, Michael H.  页数:30  


Don W. Prince is open enrollment manager for CCUs Brussels,Belgium, campus. He has worked for some time and very closely with CCUs Global Initiati;ces group and travels extensively, having conducted business or training in sixteen countries around the world: Before joining CCL, he worked in the travel industry; servedas a chaplain on four university campuses; and for nine years was an adjunct faculty member at Texas Tech University, Stephen F. Austin State University, and Baylor School of Nursing. He holds degrees from the University of North Texas and Southwestern Seminary.Michael H. Hoppe is a senior program and research associate at CCL He brings to his work a rich and varied background in cross-cultural leadership development. In his research, he concentrates on effective leadership in a multicultural environment. Before joining CCL, he lived and worked extensively in Germany and Greece, and served as assistant director of the Salzburg Seminar in American and Interna-tional Studies in Salzburg, Austria. He holds a Ph.D. in organiza-tional development and institutional studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


When Being Yourself Isn't EnoughAnticipate and Adapt to Cultural DifferencesListen and Watch for Cultural DifferencesSpeaking and Writing Across CulturesWhat's in a NameUsing Humor AppropriatelyCommunicate Respect for Other CulturesExpanding HorizonsSuggested ReadingsBackgroundKey Point Summary



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