英语词语成语释源词典 A Third Browser's Dictionary

出版时间:2001年03月  出版社:The Akadine Press  作者:John Ciardi  页数:342  


Esteemed poet, translator, critic, and author of children's books, John Ciardi devoted a good part of his later literary career to the "word rambles" that, collected in his Browser's Dictionaries, take us on a wonderfully winding path through the landscape of language. His three compendiums of curious expressions and intriguing facts are enlivened by a reader's inquisitiveness and a writer's ingenuity. In these pages you'll discover the bitter herb at the root of sardonic, the Biblical fly in the ointment, what provides the pleasure in happy as a clam, and hundreds of other insights into our linguistic heritage. Also available in Common Reader Editions: A Browser's Dictionary and A Second Browser's Dictionary.




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