(韦氏新探索者词典(大字体))Webster's New Explorer Large Print Dictionary

出版时间:2000-12  出版社:2004-01-01 (2004年1月1日)  作者:Merriam-Webster (EDT)  页数:754  


An invaluable, easy-to-use resource for those who require or prefer large print, this dictionary includes the core of the American English vocabulary and offers many of the same key features that make Merriam-Webster dictionaries best-sellers. The book, which carries the Seal of Approval of the National Association for Visually Handicapped, features 40,000 entries with definitions, table of pronunciation symbols, and a special section on abbreviations.



    (韦氏新探索者词典(大字体))Webster's New Explorer Large Print Dictionary PDF格式下载

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