Sex Toys (十八歲禁購買)

出版时间:20030926  出版社:CARROLL & BROWN  作者:Anne Hooper  


Book Description
A lighthearted romp through an array of sex toys designed to enhance erotic pleasure in almost any setting -- with others or by oneself -- Sex Toys catalogs dozens of products that are fun to use and easy to buy. Each product is illustrated, described in detail, given a test drive, and rated for sexiness and value. Informative sidebars, amusing quotes, and helpful tips encourage readers to feel both adventurous and comfortable with the idea of using and playing with sex toys.


About the Author
Anne Hooper is a noted sex therapist, marriage counselor, and a best-selling author. Her books include Pocket Kama Sutra, Great Sex Guide, Great Sex Games, and Ultimate Sex. She also regularly contributes to magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Elle, Playboy, and Maxim.



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