Pocket Spotters sea Life海洋生物

出版时间:2003-1  出版社:Belitha Press Ltd (2003年6月30日)  作者:Leslie Jackman  页数:79  


* Close-up, full-colour illustrations of saltwater creatures.
* Detailed facts about size, range and habits to help you identify each animal.
* Discover more than 170 different creatures including fish, crabs, jellyfish, molluscs and reptiles
Plus, Fun activities to make and do and internet links for further investigation.

length: (cm)17.3                 width:(cm)15.3


What Is Out There?  What Could I See?Open Water   Reptiles Fish Floating AnimalsSeashore ExpeditionRock Pools & Shallows Attached Animals Echinoderms Slugs & Shelled Animals CrustaceansPool Goggling Hoppers & Sponges Worms Plant-like Animals Animals Living TogetherIs This Beach Empty?Sandy Shores& Shallows Fish Echinoderms Molluscs & Crustaceans  Anemones & WormsKeep Them at HomeMud Flats & Estuaries Fish Molluscs Anemones Worms  Find Out Some MoreIndex & Glossary



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