Turmoil and Tranquility 荷蘭和佛蘭芒大師,1550-1700年的绘画

出版时间:2010-7  作者:Gaschke, Jenny (EDT)  


Product Description
The National Maritime Museum is home to some of the finest 17th century Flemish and Dutch maritime paintings in the world. Turmoil and Tranquillity shows the breadth of the collection, beginning with the Flemish tradition, the development of distinctly Dutch seascapes, and the foundation of a Netherlandish school of maritime painting in Britain.
About the Author
Jenny Gaschke is Curator of Fine Art at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. After her PhD at Humboldt University, Berlin, she was Assistant Curator at the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart. Having worked at the National Maritime Museum since 2005, she is the lead curator of the exhibition Turmoil and Tranquillity: The sea through the eyes of Dutch and Flemish masters, 1550-1700.




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