
出版时间:2010  出版社:中央编译出版社  作者:Wu Jiang, Editor-in-chief  页数:236  


  For westerners, Peking Opera is a kind of oriental art that is either ancient or mysterious. The magnificent stage colors and vigorous martial movements have become a symbol of Peking Opera, winning admiration from audience across the world. Yet these extensive and warming scenes arc not all about Peking Opera. As the representative of the Chinese traditional operas, Peking Opera covers every aspects of the Chinese classic culture. Due to the impediment of language and cultural background, it is difficult for Western audience to further understand the connotation of Peking Opera.  This book includes 10 classic Peking Opera plays as examples to introduce and explain the performance skills, stage attire, as well as the historical background of the plays, the humanistic spirit they convey while describing the plot of the plays. It enables western readers to learn the stories of the plays, understand some common knowledge of Peking Opera performance while reading the book. Through these Peking Opera plays, they can gain their primary cognition of theChinese traditional culture.


  Wu jiang is the president of China National Peking Opera Company. His main works include a dozen of Peking Opera scenarios of Guan Zhong Becomes Prime Minister, Eight Delicacies Soup, the Story of a Revenging Girl, the Life of Martyrs, Lu River and Yi Mountain,Princess Turandot and Princess Wencheng,TV artistic play A Handful Snow. He has made enormous and effective contributions to the creation of new plays,restoration of out standing traditional plays and cultivating Peking Opera talents.


Reading Ching through Peking OperaOrphan of ZhaoA Gathering of HeroesDragon and Phoenix Present AuspiciousnessThe Fourth Son Visits His MotherFemal Generals of the Yang FamilyThe Wild Boar ForestLegend of the White SnakeFour Newly Appointed OfficialsThe Story of YutangchunA Jewelry Pouch




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