Information Networking 信息网络、宽带与移动网络组网技术/会议录

出版时间:2004-10  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Kahng, Hyun-Kook  页数:1044  


This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post proceedings of the International Conference on Information Networking, ICOIN 2004, held in Busan, Korea, in February 2004.  The 104 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and revision. The papers are organized in topical sections on mobile Internet and ubiquitous computing; QoS, measurement and performance analysis; high-speed network technologies; next generation Internet architecture; security; and Internet applications.


ⅠMobile Internet and Ubiquitous Computing Node Configuration Protocol Based on Hierarchical Network Architecture for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks  Vote-Based Clustering Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks  Load Balanced Onion Relay for Prevention of Traffic Analysis in Ad Hoc Networks  Performance of New Broadcast Forwarding Criteria in MANET  A Simple Load-Balancing Approach in Secure Ad Hoc Networks  An Energy-Efficient Reliable Transport for Wireless Sensor Networks  A Ubiquitous Streaming Framework for Multimedia Broadcasting Services with QoS Based Mobility Support  A Reflective Approach Dynamic Adaptationto   Personal Service on Application Level Active Network for Ubiquitous Computing Environments  A New Directional Flooding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks  An Efficient Scheduling Scheme for Bluetooth Scatternets Using the Sniff Mode Efficient Route Discovery for Reactive Routing Protocols with Lazy Topology Exchange and Condition Bearing Route Discovery  Chumcast in Two-Tier Networks  A Routing Strategy for Metropolis Vehicular Communications Genping Liu, Bu-Sung Lee, Boon-Chong Seet, Chuan-Heng Foh,  On Demand Routing Protocol to Support Unidirectional Links in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks  On Reducing Paging Cost in IP-Based Wireless/Mobile Networks  An Enhanced Handoff Mechanism for Cellular IP  A State-Based Fast Handover Scheme for Hierarchical Mobile IPv6  An Efficient Handoff Mechanism with Reduced Latency  in Hierarchical Mobile IPve  A Study on Availability of Mobility Databases  Dynamic Bandwidth Adaptation Using Mobile IP  in Hybrid Cellular Networks  A Dynamic Incentive Pricing Scheme for Relaying Services in Multi-hop Cellular Networks  A Mobility-Based Mobile Multicast with Flexible Range  SIP Signaling Performance Evaluation for Supporting Mobility in Cellular-IP Integrated Wireless Networks  Performance of Voice Traffic over Mobile Ad Hoc Network ……ⅡQoS,Measurement and Performance AnalysisⅢHigh-Speed Network TechologiesⅣNext Generation Internet ArchitectureⅤInternet ApplicationAuthor Index



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