Shared Memory Parallel Programming with Open MP共享存储器并行程序设计与Open MP/会议录

出版时间:2005-3  出版社:北京燕山出版社  作者:Chapman, Barbara M.  页数:147  


This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed postproceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Open MP Application and Tools, WOMPAT 2004, held in Houston, TX, USA in May 2004.    The 12 revised full papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement. The papers are devoted to using Open MP for large scale applications on several computing platforms, consideration of Open MP parallelization strategies, discussion and evaluation of several proposed language features, and compiler and tools technology.


Parallelization of General Matrix Multiply Routines Using OpenMPPerformance Analysis of Hybrid OpenMP/MPI N-Body ApplicationPerformance and Scalability of OpenMP Programs on the Sun FireTM E25K Throughput Computing ServerWhat Multilevel Parallel Programs Do When You Are Not Watching: A Performance Analysis Case Study Comparing MPI/OpenMP, MLP and Nested OpenMPSIMT/OMP: A Toolset to Study and Exploit Memory Locality of OpenMP Applications on NUMA ArchitecturesDragon: A Static and Dynamic Tool for OpenMPThe ParaWise Expert Assistant - Widening Accessibility to Efficient and Scalable Tool Generated OpenMP CodeAutomatic Scoping of Variables in Parallel Regions of an OpenMP ProgramAn Evaluation of Auto-Scoping in OpenMPStructure and Algorithm for Implementing OpenMP WorksharesEfficient Implementation of OpenMP for Clusters with Implicit Data Distribution Runtime Adjustment of Parallel Nested Loops Author Index



    Shared Memory Parallel Programming with Open MP共享存储器并行程序设计与Open MP/会议录 PDF格式下载

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