
出版时间:2002-12  出版社:1 (2002年8月1日)  作者:Mark d'Inverno  页数:259  


This book presents revised full versions of papers contributed to UK Workshops on Multi-Agent Systems, UKMAS, during 1996 and 2000.    From the early days of MAS research, the UK community has been a particularly productive one with numerous key contributions. The 15 papers by internationally reputed researchers deal with various aspects of agent technology, with a certain emphasis on foundational issues in multi-agent systems.


Coordinating Intelligent AgentsStrategies for Discovering Coordination Needs in MultiAgent SystemsAgent-Mediated Interaction. From Auctions to Negotiation and ArgumentationGame Theory and Artificial IntelligenceRights for Multi-agent SystemsInfrastructure Support for Agent-Based DevelopmentAn Anthropological Approach to the Discovery of Ontologies in Multi-agent SocietiesScalability in Multi-agent Systems: The FIPA-OS PerspectiveAgents and MAS in STaMsSemantics of Agent Communication: An IntroductionAgents with Bounded Temporal ResourcesA Model of Delegation for Multi-agent SystemsAgent Specification Using Multi-context SystemsAn Adaptive Choice of Messaging Protocol in Multi Agent SystemsOn Partially Observable MDPs and BDI ModelsAuthor Index



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