
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:麦肯齐  页数:339  字数:430920  


“精要速览系列(Instant Notes Series)”是国外教材“Best Seller”榜的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材。先锋版是继“现代生物学精要速览”之后推出的跨学科的升级版本。    本书是该系统中的《生态学(第二版)》分册,全书共24章,介绍了环境中各因素的作用、种群生态学、生物竞争、寄生和互生、群落和群落动力学等,新版在第一版的基础上内容进行了全面修订和扩充、增加了该领域的最新发展和前沿。    本书是指导大学生快速掌握生态学和环境科学基础知识的优秀教材,也是辅助教师授课的极佳教学参考书,同时可供相关专业的研究生参考。


AbbreviationsPrefaceSection A-Introduction to ecology        A1 What is ecology?        A2 Ten rules in ecologySection B-Adaptation to the enbironment        B1 Adaptation        B2 Coping with environmental variation        B3 The nicheSection C-Climate        C1 Solar radiation and climate        C2 MicroclimateSection D-Water        D1 The properties of water        D2 Plants and water        D3 Animals and waterSection E-Temperature        E1 Temperature and metabolism        E2 Responses to temperature        E3 Temperature and species distributionSection F-Radiation         F1 Solar radiation and plantsSection G-Nutrients        G1 Sources and cycles        G2 Plants and consumers        G3 Soil formation,properties and classificationSection H-Population ecology        H1 Populations and population structure        H2 Natality,mortality and population structure        H3 Density and density dependence        H4 Population dynamics-fluctuations,cycles and chaosSection I-Competition        I1 The nature of competition        I2 Intraspecific competition        I3 Resource partitioningSection J-Predation        J1 The nature of predation        J2 Predator behavior and prey responseSection K-Parasitism        K1 The nature of parasitism        K2 The dynamics of parasitismSection L-Mutualism        L1 MutualismSection M-Life history patterns        M1 Life historySection N-Behavioral ecology        N1 Social groups,cooperation and altruism        N2 Sex in ecologySection O-Population genetics        O1 Genetic variation        O2 SpeciationSection P-Ecosystem processes        P1 Components and processes        P2 Primary and secondary production        P3 Food chainsSection Q-Communities        Q1 The community,structure and stability        Q2 Island communities and colonization        Q3 Community patterns,competition and predationSection R-Community dynamics        R1 Succession        R2 Community responses to disturbanceSection S-Biomes        S1 Ecosystem patterns        S2 Grasslands        S3 Tundra        S4 Forests        S5 Deserts,semi-deserts and shrubland        S6 Saltwater biomes        S7 Freshwater biomesSection T-Harvesting        T1 Harvesting theory        T2 Fishing and whalingSection U-Pest control        U1 The pest problem and control strategies        U2 Pesticides and problems        U3 Biological control and integrated pest managementSection V-Conservation        V1 Rare species,habitat loss and extinction        V2 Conservation strategies        V3 Biological resources and gene banksSection W-Pollution and global warming         W1 Air,water and soil pollutants        W2 Greenhouse gases and golbal warming        W3 OzoneSection X-The ecology of agriculture        X1 Soil erosion and agriculture        X2 Nutrient,water and energy useFurther readingIndex




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  •   喜好者买吧
  •   重要的生态学原理都有涵盖。语言精练,没事时候可以读一小段,感觉不错。
  •   喜欢影印的书,就是还是贵。
  •   压了一个好大的摺~~算了,就这样吧。。
  •   晕,这本书的印刷纸张实在是太差了点,我想退货!

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