
出版时间:2003-4  出版社:科学出版社  作者:尼科利  


“精要速览系列(Instant Notes Series)”是国外教材“Best Seller”榜的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材。先锋版是继“现代生物学精要速览”之后推出的跨学科的升级版本。    本书是该系列中的《微生物学(第二版)》分册,全书共10章。新版在内容上进行了全面调整、更新和扩充,加强了学科间的渗透与交叉,如分子生物学和免疫学技术在微生物学研究中的应用,并对该领域的发展进行了总结和展望。    本书是指导大学生快速掌握微生物学基础知识的优秀教材,也是辅助教师授课的极佳教学参考书,同时可供生命科学相关专业的研究生参考。


AbbreviationsPrefaceSection A-The microbial world  A1 The microbial worldSection B-Microbial metabolism  B1 Heterotrophic pathways  B2 Electron transport,oxidative phosphorylation and β-oxidation of fatty acids  B3 Autotrophic reactions  B4 Biosynthetic pathwaysSection C-Information storage and transfer  C1 Structure and organization of DNA  C2 DNA replication  C3 RNA molecules in the cell  C4 Transcription  C5 Control of gene expression  C6 Structure of proteins  C7 TranslationSection D-Bacterial structure and function  D1 Prokaryote taxonomy  D2 Prokaryote cell structure  D3 Bacterial cell envelope and cell wall synthesis  D4 Bacterial movement and chemotaxis  D5 The Archaea  D6 Growth in the laboratory  D7 Prokaryote growth and cell cycle  D8 Techmiques used to study microorganisms  D9 The microscopeSection E-Bacterial genetics  E1 Mutations  E2 Mutagenesis  E3 Recombiniation and transposition  E4 DNA repair mechanisms  E5 Plasmids  E6 F plasmids and conjugation  E7 Bacteriophage  E8 Replication of bacteriophage  E9 Transduction  E10 TransformationSection F-Bacteria and Archaea in the environment  F1 Prokaryotes in the environment*  F2 Prokaryotes in industry*  F3 Bacterial disease-an overview  F4 Human defense mechanisms  F5 Entry and colonization of human hosts  F6 Bacterial toxins and human disease  F7 Control of bacterial infectionSection G-Eukaryotic microbes,an overview  G1 Taxonomy  G2 Eukaryotic cell structure  G3 Cell division and ploidySection H-The fungi and related phyla  H1 Fungal structure and growth  H2 Fungal nutrition  H3 Reproduction in fungi  H4 Beneficial effects of fungi in their environment  H5 Detrimental effects of fungi in their environmentSection I-The Chlorophyta and Protista  I1 Chlorophytan and Protistan taxonomy and Structure  I2 Chlorophytan and Protistan nutrition and metabolism  I3 Life cycles in the Chlorophyta and Protista  I4 Beneficial effects of the Chlorophyta and Protista  I5 Detrimental effects of Chlorophyta and ProtistaSection J-The viruses  J1 Virus structure  J2 Virus taxonomy  J3 Virus proteins  J4 Virus nucleic acids  J5 Cell culture and virus growth  J6 Virus assay  J7 Virus replication  J8 Virus infection  J9 Viruses and the immune system  J10 Virus vaccines  J11 Antiviral chemotherapy  J12 Plant viruses  J13 Prions and transmissible spongiform encephalopathiesFurther readingIndex*Contributed by Dr Simon Baker,Department of Biology,Birkbeck College,London,UK



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