
出版时间:2003-1  出版社:科学出版社发行部  作者:韦斯特海德  页数:257  字数:330120  


“精要速览系列(Instant Notes Series)”是国外教材“Best Seller”榜的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材。先锋版是继“现代生物学精要速览”之后推出的跨学科的升级版本。    本书是该系列中的《生物信息学》分册,全书共15章,全面系统地概括了该学科的核心内容和前沿动态,涉及生物学数据的获得与处理、系统发生学、芯片数据分析、蛋白质组数据分析、生物信息学的应用等主要内容。    本书是指导大学生快速掌握生物信息学基础知识的优秀教材,也是辅助教师授课的极佳教学参考书,同时可供生命科学相关专业的研究生参考。


AbbreviationsPrefaceSection A-Overview of bioinformatics        A1 The scoe of bioinformatics        A2 Bioinformatics and the Internet        A3 Useful bioinformatics sites on the WWWSection B- Data acquisition        B1 Sequencing DNA,RNA and proteins        B2 Determination of protein structure        B3 Gene and protein expression data        B4 Protein interaction dataSection C-Databases-contents,structure and annotation        C1 File formats        C2 Annotated sequence databases        C3 Genome and organism-specific databases        C4 Miscellaneous databasesSection D-Retrieval of biological data        D1 Data retrieval with Entrez and DBGET/LinkDB        D2 Data retrieval with SRS(sequence retrieval system)Section E-Searching sequence databases by sequence        E1 Sequence similarity searches        E2 Amino acid substitution matrices        E3 Databases searches:FASTA and BLAST        E4 Sequence filters        E5 Iterative database searches and PSI-BLASTSection F-Multiple sequence alignment and family relationships        F1 Multiple sequence alignment and family relationships        F2 Protein families and pattern databases        F3 Protein domain familiesSection G-Phylogenetics        G1 Phylogenetics,cladistics and ontology        G2 Building phylogenetic trees        G3 Evolution of macromolecular sequencesSection H-Sequence annotation        H1 Principles of genome annotation        H2 Annotation tools and resourcesSection I-Structural bioinformatics        I1 Conceptual models of protein structure        I2 The relationship of protein three-dimensional structure to protein function        I3 The evolution of protein structure and function        I4 Obtaining,viewing and analyzing structural data        I5 Structural alignment        I6 Classification of proteins of known three-dimensional structure:CATH and SCOP        I7 Introduction to protein structure prediction        I8 Structure prediction by comparative modeling        I9 Secondary structure prediction        I10 Adnanced protein structure prediction and prediction strategiesSection J-Microarray data analysis        J1 Microarray data:analysis methods        J2 Microarray data:tools and resources        J3 Sequence sampling and SAGESection K-Proteomic data analysis        K1 Analyzing data from 2D-PAGE gels        K2 Analyzing protein mass spectrometry dataSection L-Higher-order systems        L1 Modeling and reconstructing molecular pathways        L2 Protein interaction informatics        L3 Higher-order modelsSection M-Cheminformatics in biology        M1 Conventions for representing molecular pathways        M2 Cheminformatics resourcesSection N-Bioinformatics in the pharmaceutical industry        N1 Bioinformatics and drug discovery        N2 Pharmainformatics resourcesSection O-Basic principles of computing in bioinformatics        O1 Running computer software        O2 Computer operating systems        O3 Software downloading and installation        O4 Database managementFurther readingGlossaryIndex




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  •   这本书很薄,是英文影印版,书也是比较中规中矩,对于入门来说还是可以的。不过如果想要深入,还是要参考其他教材。生物信息学要想出好书不容易,本身这门学科就不是很成熟(国外可能好些)。

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