
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:OlavMaassenStephenStelting  页数:576  字数:712000  


设计模式在开发健壮、可扩展、可靠和可维护的应用程序时起着重要作用。本书两位作者介绍了基于模式的开发技巧,并演示了各种商务系统中的模式应用。书中首先概述设计模式,然后就四种主要模式——创建模式、行为模式、结构模式和系统模式展开了详细的论述。本书还针对系统构建过程中常用的J2EE、JSP、EJB和API等技术作了介绍。    本书适合具有一定编程基础的程序员阅读参考。


Preface  Why We Wrote This Book  What This Book Is About  Who Should Read This Book  Conventions Used  How This Book Is Organized  How to Use This Book  Companion Web Site  Acknowledgments Introduction  Why Patterns?  History of the Patterns Movement  Software Abstraction and Reuse  SummaryPart One: Commonly Used Patterns  Chapter 1: Creational Patterns    Introduction to Creational Patterns    Abstract Factory    Builder    Factory Method    Prototype    Singleton  Chapter 2: Behavioral Patterns    Introduction to Behavioral Patterns    Chain of Responsibility    Command    Interpreter    Iterator    Mediator    Memento    Observer    State    Strategy    Visitor    Template Method  Chapter 3: Structural Patterns    Introduction to Structural Patterns    Adapter    Bridge    Composite     Decorator    Facade    Flyweight    Half-Object Plus Protocol(HOPP)    Proxy  Chapter 4: System Patterns    Introduction to System Patterns    Model-View-Controller(MVC)    Session    Worker Thread    Callback    Successive Update    Router    TransactionPart Two: Patterns in the Java Programming Language  Chapter 5: Introduction to Java Programming Language Patterns  Chapter 6: Java Core APIs    Event Handling    JavaBeans    AWT and Swing -The Graphical User Interface APIs    Collections Framework    Input-Output(I/O)    Reflection  Chapter 7: Distributed Technologies    Java Naming and Directory Interface(JNDI)    JDBC    RMI    CORBA  Chapter 8: Jini and J2EE Architectures    Jini    Java 2, Enterprise Edition(J2EE)    Servlets and JSPs    Enterprise JavaBeansAppendix A: Full Code Examples  System Requirements  Creational Patterns Code Examples  Abstract Factory  Builder  Factory Method  Prototype  Singleton  Chain of Responsibility  Command  Interpreter  Mediator  Memento  Observer  State  Strategy  Visitor  Template Method  Adapter  Bridge  Composite  Decorator  Facade  Flyweight  Half-Object Plus Protocol(HOPP)  Proxy  Model-View-Controller(MVC)  Session  Worker Thread  Callback  Successive Update  Router  TransactionAppendix B: BibliographyIndex




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