
出版时间:2004-5  出版社:科学出版  作者:南凡 宋传福  页数:160  


  高职高专教育是我国高等教育体系的重要组成部分。近年来,高职高专教育呈现出前所未有的发展势头,办学思想不断明确,办学规模不断扩大,教育教学改革不断深化。目前,高职高专学校数量和在校生总数均占到普通高等学校的一半以上。  毋庸置疑,目前已经出版的一批高职高专教材在“主导教学方向、稳定教学秩序”方面起到了很好的作用。但是,现有的教材依然存在品种不多,可供学校选择的余地不大;一些教材不适应高职高专院校的教学要求,特别是在如何“提高教学质量、创新教学內容”上做得还不够。  目前,我国的高职教育发展面临着新的形势——在《2003-2007年教育振兴行动计划》中,提出了“职业教育与培训创新工程”的任务,要求以促进就业为目的,进一步转变高等职业技术学院的办学指导思想,实行多样、灵活、开放的人才培养模式,把教育教学与生产实践、社会服务、技术推广结合起来,加强实践教学和就业能力的培养。适应这一要求,以“产学结合、就业导向、推行双证、两年学制”为主要特点的专业建设和课程改革即将在高职高专院校展开,我国的高职高专教育又面临着一次新的教学改革与创新的机遇。




Unit 1 Surprise! You're in College!Part One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyUnit 2 Thanksgiving DayPart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyUnit 3 I Love you...FluffyPart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and PractiseUnit 4 Exercise Helps Keep Psyche FitPart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and PractiseUnit 5 Love Means Never Having to Say You're SorryPart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and PractiseUnit 6 flow to Study OnlinePart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and PractiseUnit I It's lime for Woking Women to Earn Equal PayPart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and PractiseUnit 8 China Sends Man into SpacePart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and PractiseUnit 9 Clothes Make the ManOne: Listen and Speak EnjoyPart Three:Learn and PractiseUnit Ig The Symphony of FriendshipPart One: Listen and SpeakPart Two: Read and EnjoyPart Three: Learn and Practise


  C. Maggie wasn't wearing a ring, but she was married.  D. Maggie was wearing a ring because she was married.  A. Mary enjoys lying in bed.  B. Mary does nothing but lie.  C. Mary never lies.  D. Mary lied to us.  A. We will see a movie tonight because a good one is being shown.  B. We'll go to the movie because the television program tonight is very boring.  C. If the television program is very good, we'll stay home instead.  D. We'll watch TV instead of going to the movie.  A. Bob will come for dinner.  B. We want Bob to come for dinner.  C. If the weather is good we'll have dinner with Bob.  D. It doesn't matter if Bob won't come for dinner.  A. I couldn't finish it anyway.  B. Even if you help me, I still fail to finish it.  C. We may do it together.  D. I could hardly finish it without your help.  A. The competition is temporarily delayed because of the rain.  B. There will be no competition if it rains.  C. There will be a competition in spite of the bad weather.  D. It rains every time there is a competition.  A. Bob will get the scholarship in May.  B. Bob will get a scholarship no matter what happens.  C. Bob may come after he gets a scholarship.  D. Bob wants to know how to get a scholarship.  A. He was highly qualified for the job, so he applied.  B. He didn't apply because of his inexperience.  C. Knowing that he lacked experience, he nevertheless applied.  D. Although he was experienced, he didn't apply for the job.  ……



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