
出版时间:2006-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:吕卓人,雷寒  页数:372  字数:764000  


教育部教高[2001]4号文件中明确指出要按照“教育面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来”的要求,为适应经济全球化和科技革命的挑战,本科教育要创造条件使用英语进行公共课和专业课教学。同时,推行“双语教学”必将促进教学改革、师资队伍建设、学科发展和本科生的能力培养。然而,缺乏与“双语教学”相适应的教材是开展“双语教学”的“瓶颈”之一。关于“双语教学”教材可有几种形式:①直接采用原版教材,优点是语言上有优势,并能充分吸取欧美国家“诊断学”教学的先进理念;缺点是学生负担太重,而且原版教材编写体例与我国现有的规划教材差距很大,如西方国家没有与我国“诊断学”相对应的教材,“诊断学”教材中的“实验诊断”、“器械检查”、“临床常用诊断技术”等部分均未纳入国外的“Physical examination”之中,而且体例相差很大:原版教材篇幅较大,实用性较差。②将中文版“诊断学”规划教材翻译成英文,优点是能与现有的教材匹配,学生的负担不大,尤其目前在医学生的英语应用能力较差的情况下,有助于与中文教材对照学习;何况我国“诊断学”教材经多次修订,科学性和实用性强的优点很突出;价格明显低于原版教材,在学生经济能力有限的情况下,该教材有助于推广“双语教学”的进程;缺点是难以保证英文质量。③综合上述两种形式的优点,采用我国“诊断学”规划教材的体例,参照原版教材的表述方式,采取购买版权、整段摘用的形式,编写成“英文改编版”,融人较多的国外先进的教学思想,如交流技巧,形成具有中国特色的“双语教学”教材。本教材采用了第三种方式,以期成为具有鲜明特点的供医学本科生使用的“诊断学”英文版教材。为此,科学出版社与McGraw-Hill出版公司经过友好协商,达成合作协议,以尊重知识产权为前提,摘录McGraw-Hill公司出版的原版教材或专著,包括教材中的图,编写成适合中国医学教育所需的英文改编版系列教材。




Part A  Common Symptoms and History TakingChapter 1  Common Symptoms   Fever   Headache   Edema   Mucocutaneous hemorrhage   Cough and expectoration   Hemoptysis   Cyanosis   Palpitation   Dyspnea   Chest pain   Abdominal pain   Jaundice   Hematuria   Frequent micturition, urgent micturition and dysuria   Vertigo   Tics, twitches, convulsion and seizures     Disturbance of consciousnessChapter 2  History Taking   Component of inquisition   Method and techniques of inquisitionPart B  Physical ExaminationChapter 3  Methods and Physical Examin-   ation   Inspection    Palpation   Percussion  Auscultation  SmellChapter 4  Vital Signs and Anthropomor  phic Data    Vital signs  Anthropomorphic data    Skin    Lymphatic system  Chapter 5  Head    Hair, scalp and skull     Eyes     Ears   Nose   Mouth and parotid glandChapter 6  Neck   Shape and movement   Blood vessels   Thyroid gland and tracheaChapter 7  Chest   Superficial thoracic anatomy   Chest wall, thorax and breast   Lungs and pleura   Main symptoms and signs of common pulmonary diseases   Heart   Blood vessels   Main symptoms and signs of common cardiovascular diseasesChapter 8  Abdomen  Superficial anatomy and subregion of the abdomen  Examination   Main symptoms and signs of common abdominal diseasesChapter 9  Anus, Rectum and Genitalia  Anus and rectum  The male genitalia and reproductive tract  The female genitalia and reproductive systemChapter 10  Spine and Extremities  Spine  Extremities and jointsChapter 11  The Neurologic Examination  Mental status  Cranial nerve examination  Sensory function examination  Motor Examination  ReflexesChapter 12  Procedure for the Screening  Physical Examination    Preparation     Performance  Part C  Instrumental ExaminationChapter 13  Electrocardiography    Basic knowledge   Measurement and normal ECG    Atrial and ventricular enlargement     Myocardial ischemia and changes of ST-T   Myocardial infarction    Arrhythmias     Medication and electrolyte effects     Clinical interpretation of the ECG     ECG of stress test  (245)Chapter 14  Pulmonary Function Test   Ventilatory function    Gas exchange  (248)   Arterial blood gases and acid-base balance Part D  Laboratory ExaminationChapter 15  Principles of Diagnostic Test  Use and Interpretation     Benefits, costs, and risks     Performance of diagnostic tests  Chapter 16  Laboratory Examination of  Hematology    Blood smears     Bone man'ow     Bleeding and thrombotic disorders  Chapter 17  Urinalysis and Renal Function   Urinalysis     Renal function Chapter 18  Blood Chemistries     Liver function and other enzyme tests    Serum cardiac markers     Plasma proteins    Glucose    Lipids     Electrolytes   pH tests   Endocrine hormonesChapter 19  Clinical Common Assay in Immunology   Serum immunoglubulins tests   Cellular inmmnity tests   Hepatitis markers tests   Immunologic tests of infection   Tmnor markers testsChapter 20  Clinical Tests of Etiologic Agents        Pathogenic diagrrosis of bacterial infectionChapter 21  Laboratory Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases   Cytogenetic analysis   Genetic diseases diagnosed by molecular techniquesChapter 22  Tests of Excretion, Secretion and Body Fluid   Cerebrospinal fluid   Serous membrane effusion   Feces testsPart E  Medical Record and Diagnostic FrameworkChapter 23  Medical Records   Significance of medical record   Denomination, tormat and content of medical record   Commonly used medical documentationChapter 24  Diagnostic Framework   Procedure in diagnostic examination   Exhuastive methodAppendix 1  Laboratory Reference RangesAppendix 2  Case Record(English——Chinese)Appendix 3  English-Chinese VocabularyAppendix 4  List of Figures







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  •   还不错,对学习医学专业英语挺有帮助的
  •   这本书书还真的是不错
  •   very good paper and printing
  •   还不错,不新不旧,一般吧
  •   对专业英语的学习有帮助
  •   还不错,就是内容稍少了一点~
  •   双语教材 提高专业英语很有帮助
  •   适合小初学者,国内较不错的英文版
  •   主要是为了上课借鉴,还行。与我们的教学方式不太一样,但可以借鉴!

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