
出版时间:2006-12  出版社:科学  作者:韦斯林  页数:660  字数:789000  






Preface1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics  1.1 Introduction  1.2 Vector analysis   1.3 The total derivative and the transport theorem  1.4 Conservation of mass  1.5 Conservation of momentum  1.6 Conservation of energy  1.7 Thermodynamic aspects  1.8 Bernoulli s theorem  1.9 Kelvin s circulation theorem and potential flow  1.10 The Euler equations   1.11 The convection-diffusion equation  1.12 Conditions for incompressible flow  1.13 ZTurbulence  1.14 Stratified flow and free convection  1.15 Moving frame of reference  1.16 The shallow-water equations2. Partial differential equations: analytic aspects  2.1 Introduction  2.2 Classification of partial differenial equations   2.3 Boundary conditions  2.4 Maximum principles  2.5 Boundary layer theory3. Finite volume and finite difference discretization on nonuniform grids  3.1 Introduction  3.2 An elliptic equation  3.3 A one-dimensional example  3.4 Vertex-centered discretization  3.5 Cell-centered discretization  3.6 Upwind discretization  3.7 Nonuniform grids in one dimension4. The stationary convection-diffusion equation  4.1 Introduction  4.2 Finite volume discretization of the stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension  4.3 Numerical experiments on locally refined one-dimensional grid  4.4 Schemes of Positive type  4.5 Upwind discretization  4.6 Defect correction  4.7 Peclet-independent accuracy in two dimensions  4.8 More accurate discretization of the convection term5. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation  5.1 Introduction  ……6. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations7. Iterative methods8. The shallow-water equations9. Scalar conservation laws10. The Euler equations in one space dimension11. Discretization in general domains12. Numerical solution of the Euler equations in general domains13. Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in general domains14. Unified methods for computing incompressible and compressible flowReferencesIndex






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