
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:主编孙莲, 常军民  页数:104  


本书为英文版医用基础化学实验教材,是医学院校本科生医用化学方法的基础教学,为培养学生的科学思维方法而编写的。全书内容包括:实验的一般规则、实验报告的格式及21个基础化学实验。特点是:英文教学,适用性强,具有科学性、创新性。     本书可适用于全国高等医学院校本科生用。


PREFACEEXPERIMENTAL GENERAL RULEEXPERIMENT REPORT FORMATEXPERIMENT ONE  Weighing ExerciseEXPERIMENT TWO  Acid-base TitrationEXPERIMENT THREE  The Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 mol/L Hydrochloride Acid SolutionEXPERIMENT FOUR  The Preparation and Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide SolutionEXPERIMENT FIVE  The Usage of Depression of Freezing Point to Determine the Molecular Weight of GlucoseEXPERIMENT SIX  Determining the Ionization Constant of a Weak AcidEXPERIMENT SEVEN  Buffer SolutionEXPERIMENT EIGHT  pH Measurement of Liquid Drug Preparation with pH MeterEXPERIMENT NINE  Precipitation EquilibriumEXPERIMENT TEN  Redox ReactionEXPERIMENT ELEVEN  Determination of Solubility Product of AgAcEXPERIMENT TWELVE  Determining the Coordination Number of [Ag( NH3)n]+EXPERIMENT THIRTEEN  Coordination CompoundsEXPERIMENT FOURTEEN  The Properties of HalogenEXPERIMENT FIFTEEN  Preparation of Medicinal Sodium Chloride and Examination of Impurities LimitationEXPERIMENT SIXTEEN  Preparation of Ferrous Ammonium Sulfate Hexahydrate (FAS)EXPERIMENT SEVENTEEN  Preparation and Content Assay of Zinc GlueonateEXPERIMENT EIGHTEEN  Synthesis of Copper Sulfate PentahydrateEXPERIMENT NINETEEN  Preparation of SnI4EXPERIMENT TWENTY  Separation and Identification of Methionine and Glycine by Paper ChromatographyEXPERIMENT TWENTY ONE  Synthesis of Potassium PermanganateEXERCISEAPPENDIX  Table 1 List of Atomic Weight  Table 2 The Concentration of Acid and Base Used Frequently in Laboratory



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