
出版时间:2007-1  出版社:科学  作者:多米尼克  页数:280  字数:458000  




PrefaceIntroductionJose Machado da SilvaGlossaryPart I ADC Characterisation Based on Sinewave Analysis  1  ADC Applications, Architectures and Terminology  Jose Machado da Silva, Helio Mendonga    1.Introduction    2.ADCs' applications    3.ADCs' architectures    4.Terminology    5.Quantisation and A/D conversion    6.Output coding    7.Errors, non-linearity, noise, and distortion    8.Data acquisition and processing    9.Input characteristics  2  Sinewave Test Setup  Pierre-Yves Roy, Jacques Durand    1.Test Setup description    2.Specification of the clock and input signal    3.Example of filter specification    4.Filter selection    5.Taking a record of data  3  Time-Domain Data Analysis  Dominique Dallet, Djamel Haddadi, Philippe Marchegay    1.Introduction    2.Calculation of the dynamic parameters    3.Definitions    4.The fixed-frequency method    5.The four-parameter method    6.Definitions of THD and SNR    7.The multi-harmonic sine-wave fitting method    8.Estimation of the normalised angular frequency    9.Estimation of the linear parameters    10.On the rank of Ep    11.The algorithm    12.Multitone test to circumvent signal purity problems  4  Frequency-Domain Data Analysis  Pierre- Yves Roy, Jacques Durand    1.Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform    2.Choice of input and clock frequencies    3.Windowing    4.Comment on the accuracy of the input frequency    5.Record size    6.Calculation of ADC dynamic parameters in the frequency domain  5  Code Histogram Test  Giovanni Chiorboli, Carlo Morandi    1.Introduction    2.The sampling strategy and its contribution to count variance and measurement uncertamty  3.Additional contributions to count uncertainty: additive noise andjitter  4.Factors affecting the p.d.f, of the input signal  5.Required record length and number of records, expression of mea-surement uncertainty  6.Choice of the coverage factor  7.Comparing the number of samples required by random and by syn-chronous sampling.  8.Determining the transfer characteristic  9.Offset error and gain  10.Linearity errors  11.Appendix  6  Comparative Study of ADC Sinewave Test Methods  JoseMachado da Silva, Helio Mendonga, Sara Mazoleni    1.Introduction    2.General considerations    3.Simulation results    4.ATE Implementation    5.ConclusionsPart II Measurement of Additional Parameters  7  Jitter Measurement  Pierre-Yves Roy, Jacques Durand    1.Introduction    2.The double beat technique    3.The joint probability technique    4.Conclusion  8  Differential Gain and Phase Testing  JoseMachado da Silva, Helio Mendonga    1.Introduction    2.Test setup and hardware requirements    3.Analysis    4.Test results    5.Calculation of differential gain and phase from the test results  9  Step and Transient Response Measurement  Giovanni Chiorboli, Carlo Morandi    1.Introduction    2.Settling time and transition duration of step response    3.Frequency response measurement  10  Hysteresis Measurement  Giovanni Chiorboli Carlo Morandi    1.Introduction    2.Test conditions    3.A practical case    4.Collection of samples in HC↑ and HC↓    5.Some warningReferencesIndex



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  •   这是我知道的引进国内的唯一一本全面详细介绍ADC测试的书,它不像有些书,很厚讲了很多,但是内容杂乱,不够深入。这本书虽然只讲ADC测试,但是内容深入,权威。可以作为ADC测试方面标准教科或参考书,如果在ADC测试方面有什么疑问,翻翻这本书吧。另外该书第一章有一些ADC名词解释,也可作为对于这些名词都不知道的入门者较好的参考。
  •   英文的啊
  •   主要是测试方面的写的挺深的与我想要的有些差别

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