
出版时间:2010-5  出版社:科学出版社  作者:王一普,黄跃华 主编  页数:241  


  教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》对我国大学生英语的听、说、读、写、译等能力均提出了三个层次的要求,并在全国兴起了实用性大学英语教学改革与实践的浪潮。为进一步完善大学英语教学改革的成果,努力提高学生的英语实用能力,南开大学、天津大学、北京化工大学、北京航空航天大学、北京科技大学、北京邮电大学、对外经济贸易大学、广东工业大学、哈尔滨商业大学等国内重点高校的英语教师通力合作,编写了“大学英语选修课系列教材”。本套教材包括《高级英语口语教程》、《科技英语阅读教程》、《高级英语阅读教程》、《实用翻译技能集成》、《英美报刊深度阅读》、《高级英语写作教程》、《实用商务英语综合教程》、《英语视听说教程》和《当代英美社会文化新编》等九本教材。本系列教材应用了最新的英语教学理念,吸收了最新的英语教学成果,符合我国大学英语教学改革的最新要求,并体现了四、六级考试改革后的新精神,所有编写内容均为各参编院校多年使用过的优秀素材,具有良好的教学效果和广泛的使用基础。  “大学英语选修课系列教材”主要特点如下:  1.选材广泛,内容丰富。本系列教材所选材料均来自国内外原版报纸、杂志、教材、论著、会议论文、实用文件和一些权威网站,语言真实准确、地道优美;内容涉及视听说、口语、阅读、翻译、写作、文化、商务和科技英语等多个领域,适合不同专业学生对英语学习的需求。本系列教材选材注重原汁原味,力图使学生在浩瀚的知识海洋中多方汲取营养,以满足实用性英语教学的需求。如《高级英语阅读教程》的文章大多是近年来有关社会热点问题,并且大都是学生所关心和感兴趣的新闻报道,趣味性、实效性较强;另外,文章内容涉及生活的方方面面,集知识性、科普性、娱乐性于一体,有利于培养学生的学习兴趣。  2.注重语言综合技能的训练,实用性较强。通过精心选编的课文和悉心设计的多种实践和交际活动,从多渠道、多层面、多角度向学生输入大量有效语言信息,吸引学生参加多种多样、生动活泼的语言实践和交际活动,进行大量的“交互式”的语言输入(input)和输出(output)。如《英语视听说教程》、《高级英语口语教程》强调各种微技能的培养和训练,结合具体生活环境和主题,突出听说实践能力的培养;《实用翻译技能集成》围绕实例,阐明方法和技巧,强调翻译实践,培养动手能力。每一章围绕各种翻译技巧,梳理分析,深入浅出,将翻译理论技能和实践训练有机地结合起来。


本教材是依据教育部高教司2007年颁布实施的《大学英语课程教学要求》编写的高级英语口语教程,适用于大学二、三年级的非英语专业本科生、选修第二学位的高校学生及有一定英语基础的广大英语自学者。本教材注重提高读者的英语语言技能及其口语表达能力,加强其对中西方社会各领域、各方面知识的了解,使读者能够适应不同场合的英语交际活动。     本书主要取材于时下主要英语国家各大电视台及广播媒体公开播放的座谈、脱口秀、讨论、辩论、讲座节目及上述国家的大学课堂上的文科教学讲座和对话。内容涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、风俗、娱乐、时尚、体育、科技、自然、医学、宇宙、社会治安、环境、食品卫生等。


总序前言Unit One  Getting Through CollegeUnit Two  The Internet: Evil or AngelUnit Three  Traveling in ChinaUnit Four  Festivals: Yours or MineUnit Five  Can Love Make the World Go Round?Unit Six  Facing the Modern LifeUnit Seven  What Do We Know About Fashion?Unit Eight  Entertaining YourselfUnit Nine  Revealing PersonalitiesUnit Ten  Worshiping Celebrities?Unit Eleven  Hunting for a JobUnit Twelve  Changes in DietUnit Thirteen  Tackling the Social ProblemsUnit Fourteen  What's Going on Between Man and Nature?Unit Fifteen  What Sports Bring to Us?Key to the ExercisesBibliography


  Many interview questions are indirect. They are geared to finding out the attitudinal potential of the applicants. Even the straightforward questions such as "How long have you been working?" are questions indirectly probing the commitment and loyalty to the job. Therefore, the Interviewees must go beyond the surface semantics of interview questions to infer the questioners intent and select appropriate information from their background to provide the necessary responses.  The two dialogues are instances where the IES fail to interpret the questions in the light of opportunities to "sell themselves" or to begin the "selling" with a focusing example.  In dialogue 1, the IE appears to view the interaction as an oral comprehension test where answers must be given as clearly and as precisely as possible. The IE answers the question literally without seizing the opportunities to "sell herself, by for example, expanding and elaborating on her answer. In dialogue 2, the interpretation of the question can be said to be "prove to me that you deserve to be admitted to this course.", while the IE is concerned with answering only the surface forms of the questions. Although the IE is free to answer affirmatively or negatively the "surface" question of whether difficulties were encountered in her job, substantiation is needed. But in the extract, she failed to substantiate her answer. It would have put her in a more advantageous position if she had replied, "Yes, it is a difficult job but nevertheless I am happy doing it."  The following are Extracts from the Answers of Successful Candidates.  1 I love story telling. I love to create stories especially and. I think not just teacher talk in general. Just take a topic say, the National Day. Well get the children to talk and say "What do you think about the National Day?"  2 some children, not all, some children are not very keen, even to do anything to do with crayons and papers you know they are not very keen.., it also depends on the family they come from.





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  •   内容选材原汁原味,设计较合理,有助于课堂教学提高学生口语
  •   内容不错,值得购买,推荐。
  •   真好~~~要是没买到它的话可都不能上了
  •   不是很适合自己充电,比较像是大学英语系列的教材,不是很实用了

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