
出版时间:2009-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:博赫姆  页数:439  


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  Aimed at graduate physics and chemistry students, this is the first comprechenslve monograph covering the concept of thegeometric phase in quantum physics from its mathematical foundations to its physical applications and experimental manifestations. It contains all the premises of the adiabatic Berry phase as well as the exact Anandan-Aharonov phase. It discusses quantum systems in a classical time-independent environment (time dependent Hamiltonians) and quantum systems in a changing environment (gauge theoryofmolecular physics). The mathematical methods used are a combination of differential geometry and the theory of Iinear operators in Hilbert Space. As a result, the monograph demonstrates how non-trivial gauge theories naturally arise and how the consequences can be experimentally observed. Readers benefit by gaining a deep understanding of the long-ignored gauge theoretic effects of quantum methanics and how to measure them.


1 Introduction2 Quantal Phase Factors for Adiabatic Changes 2.1  Introduction 2.2  Adiabatic Approximation 2.3  Berry's Adiabatic Phase 2.4  Topological Phases and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect Problems3 Spinning Quantum System in an External Magnetic Field 3.1  Introduction 3.2  The Parameterization of the Basis Vectors 3.3  Mead-Berry Connection and Berry Phase for Adiabatic Evolutions - Magnetic Monopole Potentials 3.4  The Exact Solution of the SchrSdinger Equation 3.5  Dynamical and Geometrical Phase Factors for Non-Adiabatic Evolution Problems4 Quantal Phases for General Cyclic Evolution 4.1  Introduction 4.2  Aharonov-Anandan Phase 4.3  Exact Cyclic Evolution for Periodic Hamiltonians Problems5 Fiber Bundles and Gauge Theories 5.1  Introduction 5.2  From Quantal Phases to Fiber Bundles 5.3  An Elementary Introduction to Fiber Bundles 5.4  Geometry of Principal Bundles and the Concept of Holonomy 5.5  Gauge Theories 5.6  Mathematical Foundations of Gauge Theories and Geometry of Vector Bundles Problems6 Mathematical Structure of the Geometric Phase I: The Abelian Phase 6.1  Introduction 6.2  Holonomy Interpretations of the Geometric Phase 6.3  Classification of U(1) Principal Bundles and the Relation Between the Berry-Simon and Aharonov-Anandan Interpretations of the Adiabatic Phase 6.4  Holonomy Interpretation of the Non-Adiabatic Phase Using a Bundle over the Parameter Space 6.5  Spinning Quantum System and Topological Aspects of the Geometric Phase Problems7 Mathematical Structure of the Geometric Phase II: The Non-Abelian Phase 7.1  Introduction  7.2  The Non-Abelian Adiabatic Phase 7.3  The Non-Abelian Geometric Phase 7.4  Holonomy Interpretations of the Non-Abelian Phase   7.5  Classification of U(N) Principal Bundles and the Relation Between the Berry-Simon and Aharonov-Anandan Interpretations of Non-Abelian Phase Problems8 A Quantum Physical System in a Quantum Environment - The Gauge Theory of Molecular Physics 8.1  Introduction 8.2  The Hamiltonian of Molecular Systems 8.3  The Born-Oppenheimer Method 8.4  The Gauge Theory of Molecular Physics 8.5  The Electronic States of Diatomic Molecule 8.6  The Monopole of the Diatomic Molecule Problems9 Crossing of Potential Energy Surfaces and the Molecular Aharonov-Bohm Effect 9.1  Introduction 9.2  Crossing of Potential Energy Surfaces 9.3  Conical Intersections and Sign-Change of Wave Functions  9.4  Conical Intersections in Jahn-Teller Systems 9.5  Symmetry Of the Ground State in Jahn-Teller Systems 9.6  Geometric Phase in Two Kramers Doublet Systems 9.7  Adiabatic-Diabatic Transformation10 Experimental Detection of Geometric Phases I:Quantum Systems in Classical Environments11 Experimental Detection of Geomentric PhasesII: Quantum Systems in Quantum Environments12 Geometric Phase in Condensed Matter I: Bloch Bands 13 Geometric Phase in Condensed Matter II: The Quantum Hall Effect14 Geometric Phase in Condensed Matter III: many-Body SystemsA. An Elementary Introduction to Manifolds and Lie GroupsReferencesIndex


  6.1 Introduction  In the preceding chapter, we have developed the parts of the theory of fiber bundles which are relevant to our study of geometric phases and briefly described gauge theories. We introduced abstract gauge theories as generalizations of the Abelian gauge theory of electromagnetism. There is also another Abelian gauge theory which we encountered in Chap. 4. We call the latter the Abelian gauge theory of quantum mechanics. The parameter space of this gauge theory is the projective Hilbert space P(H) associated with a Hilbert space H, the matter fields are the pure state vectors which belong to H, the gauge or symmetry group is the group U(1) of the phases of the state vectors,and the gauge potential is the Aharonov-Anandan (A-A) connection.  The defining PFB associated with this gauge theory is the A-A bundle n whose structure is determined by the Hilbert space H. The A-A connection defines a natural geometric structure on n. The associated vector bundle to  that yields the state vectors as its global sections is the one defined by the standard representation of U(1). Thus it is a complex line bundle over 9(H).  In this chapter, we shall present a detailed description of the mathematical structure of the Abelian gauge theory of quantum mechanics. In particular we offer different holonomy interpretations of the Abelian geometric phase and reveal their relationship.  6.2 Holonomy Interpretations of the Geometric Phase  In Chap. 4, we outlined a holonomy interpretation of the geometric phase."This interpretation used the U(1) PFB n (4.33) and identified the phase with the holonomy of a particular connection which we called the AharonovAnandan (A-A) connection. We shall devote this section to a more systematic discussion of the holonomy interpretations of the geometric phase. We shall start our analysis by first describing an alternative interpretation of the adiabatic phase.




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  •   这本书是由几个作者合作写的。在如何用微分几何的语言来描述量子力学体系(薛定额方程决定)上非常清晰。现代微分几何在物理上的书多是在规范场上的运用,近20多年来在凝聚态物理中的运用,基础理论的书却很少,这本书非常难得。该书从BEERYPHASE开始,到GAUGEFIELDS,都有很深的几何直觉。最后面3章对凝聚态物理中新的研究热点——拓扑相(TOPOLOGICALPHASE)提供了很好的基础知识。现在理论物理学前沿研究中,除了弦论(STRINGTHEORY),强关联系统的研究算是最难的领域了,中国人一般都偏好其中”干净“的研究(相对于俄国人喜欢”DIRTY"PHYSICS),这本书作者之一Q.NIU的深厚的数学物理基础和几何直觉就非常值得学习。书中有部分章节关于分子动力学方面,对于理论物理研究的兴趣不大,就直接跳过,不影响全书的连续性。作为物理化学交叉学科,不熟悉,不作评价。
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