
出版时间:2010-3  出版社:科学出版社  作者:范祖民  页数:184  


《实用英语修辞》共分为三个部分:音韵修辞格、语义修辞格和句法修辞格。每个部分包括定义、特征、用法、英汉翻译实践及小结。《实用英语修辞》共阐述了约四十种不同风格的传统修辞手法。这些用法目前仍很盛行,一定会对英语学习者英语阅读效率的提升、理解精确度的增强、鉴赏和写作等能力的提高提供极大的帮助。    《实用英语修辞》中涉及的英语修辞手法共分为三类:即音韵修辞格、语义修辞格和句法修辞格。这些修辞格中,有的旨在强调音律、联想和阐述;有的突出句子结构、句子过渡、特征或排列;也有的侧重语义的变化和润色等。有时一种修饰手法只代表一种特征,也有一种修辞手法含有多种特征,甚至一种修饰手法三种特征兼而有之。有时一种修辞手法其特征含糊不清,模棱两可,不可言状。《实用英语修辞》作者温馨提醒读者要反复加以练习,牢固掌握,知其然,更要知其所以然。唯有坚持不懈地学习,才能运用自如。    《实用英语修辞》非常实用,例句美不胜收,并配备大量英汉翻译实践练习。它们大多选自文学名著、散文、诗歌、谚语、习语和名人演说等。《实用英语修辞》面向大学英语专业本科生、硕士生,也可供大学非英语专业学生、英语自学者参考,也是大、中、小学校英语教师、英语研究人员的必备用书。


PrefacePart Ⅰ Phonetic Devices  1.1 Alliteration  1.2 Assonance  1.3 Consonance  1.4 OnomatopoeiaPart Ⅱ Semantic Devices  2.1 Allegory  2.2 Allusion  2.3 Analogy  2.4 Epigram  2.5 Euphemism  2.6 Hyperbole  2.7 Irony  2.8 Metaphor  2.9 Metonymy  2.10 Oxymoron  2.11 Paradox  2.12 Personification  2.13 Pun  2.14 Ridicule  2.15 Sarcasm  2.16 Satire  2.17 Simile  2.18 Synecdoche  2.19 Transferred Epithet  2.20 Understatement  2.21 ZeugmaPart Ⅲ Syntactic Devices  3.1 Active and Passive Voiced Sentences  3.2 Anticlimax  3.3 Antithesis  3.4 Apostrophe  3.5 Climax  3.6 Couplet  3.7 Ellipsis  3.8 Inversion  3.9 Loose Sentence and Periodic Sentence  3.10 Parallelism  3.11 Parentheses  3.12 Repetition  3.13 Rhetorical Question  3.14 Short and Long Sentences  3.15 QuotationsBibliographyAppendix


  A farmer was driving his cart along a country road. The cart got stuck in the mud, butthe farmer made no effort to get it out. Instead he began to pray to the Gods for help.The God Hercules finally appeared and told the man to get busy and push it. "Put yourshoulder to the wheel," Hercules advised. The moral of this story is clear: We must notrely on others for help. Another saying which has come from this fable is, "God helpthose who help themselves."Social customs and ways of behaving are changing. Customs also vary from country.The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything that mightmake other people feel uncomfortable——especially it they are your guests. There is anold story about a rich nobleman who gave a very formal dinner party. When the foodwas served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests wereamazed or shocked, but the nobleman calmly picked up his knife and began eating in thesame way. It would have been bad manner to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.  "Harrison Ford is like one of those sports cars that advertise acceleration from 0 to 60m.p.h, in three orfour seconds. He can go from slightly broody inaction to ferocious reactionin approximately the same time span. And he handles the tight turns and corkscrew twists of asuspense story without losing his balance or leaving skid marks on the film. But maybe thebest and most interesting thing about him is that he doesnt look particularly sleek, quick orpowerful; until something or somebody causes him to gun his engine, he projects the seemlyaura of the family sedan."






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用户评论 (总计15条)


  •   英语要上档次,必须了解修辞
  •   很浅显易懂的修辞书,很值得买!
  •   价格合理,书的质量也很好,所用的常用修辞都有很详细的讲解,中英结合很好用
  •   文字很秀美,选得例子都不错,有益于提高专业素质和水平,不错。
  •   质量自是没的说,准备假期研习一下
  •   讲的不错,喜欢
  •   非常满意,又好又快。
  •   很喜欢这本修辞书,差不多涵盖了所有修辞手法,举得例子也很简明易懂
  •   正版书,发货也快,唯一的缺点是,练习都是翻译,没有给出短文要你写这是运用了什么修辞;其余的都挺好,很详细,例子也到位。
  •   很适合需要了解修辞的同学。
  •   简明扼要,通俗易懂,很适合初学者,书中还有实践操作,很喜欢。快递速度很快。
  •   还算是比较全面的
  •   可以参考,辅助。
  •   还行就是感觉书的质量不是很好
  •   书中的中文部分就不说了,英文让我看得想死,并且又跟下面的中文不匹配,感觉作者刻意想去追求一种文字美吧,结果把原本很简单的定义和功能什么的说的特纠结,拜托又不是写散文,就不能写得简洁明了一点吗?如果大家只想浏览下中文不求甚解的话,在下就不说什么了,如果和我一样想看英文特别要拿来背的话,极力不推荐!之前看过复旦大学的《英语修辞简明教程》感觉非常清晰明了啊,可惜现在没货。。。。。。

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