
出版时间:2011-6  出版社:科学出版社  作者:马特维耶夫  页数:492  


  From the reviews of the 1st edition: "This
book provides a comprehensive and detailed account of different
topics in algorithmic 3-dimensional topology, culminating with the
recognition procedure for Haken manifolds and including the
up-to-date results in computer enumeration of 3-manifolds.
Originating from lecture notes of various courses given by the
author over a decade, the book is intended to combine the
pedagogical approach of a graduate textbook (without exercises)
with the completeness and reliability of a research monograph---
All the material, with few exceptions, is presented from the
peculiar point of view of special polyhedra and special spines of
3-manifolds. This choice contributes to keep the level of the
exposition really elementary. In conclusion, the reviewer
subscribes to the quotation from the back cover: "the book fills a
gap in the existing literature and will become a standard reference
for algorithmic 3-dimensional topology both for graduate students
and researchers".R. Piergallini, Zentralblattfilr Mathematik 1048
(2004) For this 2nd edition, new results, new proofs, and
commentaries for a better orientation of the reader have been


1 simple and special polyhedra
1.1 spines of 3-manifolds
1.2 elementary moves on special spines
1.3 special polyhedra which are not spines
2 complexity theory of 3-manifolds
2.1what is the complexity of a 3-manifold?
2.2properties of complexity
2.3closed manifolds of small complexity
2.4graph manifolds of waldhausen
2.5hyperbolic manifolds
2.6lower bounds of the complexity
3 haken theory of normal surfaces
3.1 basic notions and haken's scheme
3.2 theory of normal curves
3.3 normal surfaces in 3-manifolds
3.4 normal surfaces in handle decompositions
4 applications of the theory of normal surfaces
6 Classification of Haken 3-Manifolds
5 algorithmic recognition of sa
7 3-manifold recognizer
8 the turaev-viro invariants




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  •   科学出版社出版的国外数学名著水平很高.精选了国际上一流的数学专著,尤其是德国Springer Verlag 出版社的精品数学专著.而且印刷纸张装帧都精美.不象世界图书出版公司翻印国外书籍那样粗制滥造.这部书专门论述算法拓扑及三维流形的分类.
  •   相当一流的数学书,硬皮纸质手感好舒服

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