
出版时间:2011-7  出版社:科学出版社  作者:(美)克卢格 等著  页数:779  




part one genes,chromosomes,andheredity
 1 introduction to genetics 1
 2 mitosis and meiosis18
 3 mendelian genetics42
 4 extensions of mendelian genetics70
 5 chromosome mapping in eukaryotes 105
 6 genetic analysis and mapping in bacteria andbacteriophages
 7 sex determination and sex chromosomes 173
 8 chromosome mutations: variation in chromosome number and
 9 extranuclear inheritance227
part two dna: structure replication, and variation
 10 dna structure and analysis245
 11 dna replication and recombination278
 12 dna organization in chromosomes302
 13 recombinant dna technology and gene cloning322
part three gene expression,regulationand development
 14 the genetic code and transcription352
 15 translation and proteins381
 16 gene mutation and dna repair410
 17 regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes435
 18 regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes457
 19 developmental genetics of model organisms484
 20 cancer and regulation of the cell cycle511
part four genomics
 21 genomics, bioinformatics, and proteomics531
 22 genome dynamics: transposons, immunogenetics, and eukaryotic
 23 genomic analysis——dissection of gene function605
 24 applications and ethics of genetic engineering and
part five genetics of organisms and population
 25 quantitative genetics and multifactorial traits668
 26 genetics and behavior688
 27 population genetics710
 28 evolutionary genetics737
 29 conservation genetics 762
appendix a glossarya-1
appendix b answers to selected problemsa-18
appendix c selected readingsa-57
index i-1


  Events critical to chromosome distribution during mitosis occur dur-ing anaphase, the shortest stage of mitosis. During this phase, sister chromatids of each chromosome disjoin (separate) from each other——an event described as disjunction——and migrate to opposite ends of the cell. For complete disjunction to occur, each centromeric region must split in two. This splitting signals the initiation of anaphase. Once it occurs, each chromatid is referred to as a daughter chromosome.  Movement of daughter chromosomes to the opposite poles of the cell is dependent on the centromere-spindle fiber attachment. Recent investigations reveal that chromosome migration results from the ac-tivity of a series of specific molecules called motor proteins found at several locations within the dividing cell. These proteins, described as molecular motors, use the energy generated by the hydrolysis of ATP.Their effect on the activity of microtubules serves ultimately to shorten the spindle fibers, drawing the chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell. The centromeres of each chromosome appear to lead the way during migration, with the chromosome arms trailing behind.Several models have been proposed to account for the shortening of spindle fibers. They share in common the selective removal of tubulin subunits at the ends of the spindle fibers. The removal process is ac-complished by the molecular motor proteins described above.  The location of the centromere determines the shape of the chro-mosome during separation, as you saw in Figure 2-3. The steps that occur during anaphase are critical in providing each subsequent daughter cell with an identical set Of chromosomes. In human cells,there would now be 46 chromosomes at each pole, one from each orig-inal sister pair. Figure 2-7(e) shows anaphase prior to its completion.   ……



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