
出版时间:2012-1  出版社:科学出版社  作者:罗克利  页数:392  字数:511000  




作者:(美国)罗克利(Steve Rackley)


第I部分 引言与综述
 1 引言
  1.1 碳循环
  1.2 大气中碳存量的增加
  1.3 技术创新的过程
  1.4 参考文献及资源
 2 碳捕集与封存综述
  2.1 碳捕集
  2.2 碳封存
  2.3 参考文献及资源
 3 关于发电的基础知识
  3.1 物理化学基础
  3.2 化石燃料电厂
  3.3 联合循环发电
 3.4 发电技术的未来发展
 3.5 参考文献及资源
第Ⅱ部分 碳捕集技术
 4 从发电厂中捕集碳
  4.1 引言
  4.2 燃烧前捕集
  4.3 燃烧后捕集
  4.4 富氧燃烧捕集
  4.5 化学链捕集系统
  4.6 预置捕集的和通过改造的电厂
  4.7 零排放发电的途径
  4.8 参考文献及资源
 5 从工业过程中捕集碳
  5.1 水泥生产
  5.2 钢铁生产
第III部分 封存和监测技术
第IV部分 二氧化碳的运输
第V部分 碳捕集与封存的信息资源


版权页:插图:Superheating, reheating, and steam temperature control Superheating raises the temperature of steam exiting the evaporator to the operating temperature of the HP turbine stage. This increase in temperature is desirable as it increases the overall steam cycle efficiency (Section 3.1.5) and because the thermal energy delivered to the,steam turbine by a given quantity of steam is also increased. Superheaters are heat exchangers located in the upper part of the furnace that bring the steam to its live operating temperature with heat transfer occurring both by convection and radiation. Reheaters,located downstream of the superheaters, reheat the exhaust steam from one turbine stage to provide additional energy ro the next stage.  Maintaining high overall plant efficiency under varying load conditionsrequires stream temperatures to be maintained within a narrow operatingrange. This is typically achieved using a spray at temperator, in which water is sprayed into the superheated steam to control the steam temperature, combined with either flue gas bypass or flue gas recirculation, which reduces either the quantity or the temperature of flue gas directed at the superheater. In once-through boiler, the feed water flow and firing rates are also coordinated to control steam temperature.





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