
出版时间:1989-3  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:林绍墩,刘芹 编  页数:134  


  为了适应我国旅游事业的飞快发展,尽快地培养出大量的优秀外事服务人才,我们受国家旅游局委托,编写了这套教材。  本套教材共分三册。第一册由北京市新中街旅游职业高中编写,第二册和第三册由上海锦江联营技校编写。  为了培养学生的外语交际能力,结合旅游专业的特点,本书课文分为TEXT A和TEXT B两部分。TEXT A大多是与外事旅游有关的短文,一般比较短小,易于学生背诵。TEXT B是对话的形式,包括一些日常会话及外事服务中可能出现的情景会话,以利于学生掌握这方面的知识,并在实践中应用。每两篇课文后都配有相应的练习。通过这些练习,促进对课文及课文中所出现的语法现象的理解、掌握。练习后附有一篇阅读材料,这些文章既可用作阅读理解训练,也可作听力练习。


  《旅游实用英语1(英汉对照)》是受国家旅游局委托,为旅游中等职业技术学校编写的试用教材。第一册分16个单元,每单元中设有两篇课文(A,B)、课文注释及课后练习三部分。课文A大多是与外事旅游有关的短文,课文B则采用对话形式,内容涉及到日常会话以及旅游服务中可能出现的情景会话。课文注释对当课的语法及其他疑难点作了简明的解释。课后练习紧密结合课文内容和语法要点。通过第一册的学习,读者可以学到900个左右的词汇,掌握一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时的基本用法以及其他一些基础语法知识。  本套教材承蒙北京第二外国语学院戴宗显副教授审阅。


Unit OneTEXT A:Bob Is a WaiterTEXT B:Asking the TimeUnit TwoTEXT A:DaysTEXT B:Passing on a MessageUnit ThreeTEXT A:The New ApartmentTEXT B:I Think It's GreatUnit FourTEXT A:Our HotelTEXT B:At the Shoe CounterUnit FiveTEXT A:Four Seasons in BeijingTEXT B:What's the Weather Like in BeijingUnit SixTEXT A:Breakfast,Lunch and DinnerTEXT B:Taking Breakfast in the Hotel RoomUnit SevenTEXT A:On a DayTEXT B:Maid WantedUnit EightTEXT A:BeidaiheTEXT B:A Telephone CallUnit NineTEXT A:What Is He DoingTEXT B:Asking the WayUnit TenTEXT A:Welcome to Our RestaurantTEXT B:In the Dining HallUnit ElevenTEXT A:I Was IllTEXT B:Seeing the DoctorUnit TwelveTEXT A:English High TeaTEXT B:Checking-OutUnit ThirteenTEXT A:Change in City LifeTEXT B:At Customs HouseUnit FourteenTEXT A:The Black List of PeopleTEXT B:A Birthday PartyUnit FifteenTEXT A:Spring FestivalTEXT B:What Are You Looking forUnit SixteenTEXT A:New York CityTEXT B:A Weekend in New York CityVocabularyAppendixesⅠ.The Alphabet(字母表)Ⅱ.元音字母的读音规则Ⅲ.字母组合读音举例Ⅳ.辅音字母的读音规则


  I fell ill last week and I had to go to see the doctOr at ourhotel clinic.  First I went to the registration office to register.I showedmy medical card and paid the registration fee.Then,I went toone of the consulting rooms.  There a doctor asked me to sit down and teU him how Ifelt.I told him I had been feeling awful for two days.Myjoints were aching and I thought I had a fever.He examinedme carefully.He felt my pulse and took my temperature.Thenhe said that I had quite a high fever.It Was thirty-eight de-grees centigrade.He then asked me to open my mouth and say“Ah”.He told me that I had a flu.But he said it was not veryserious.He told me to take some Chinese medicine,go straightto bed,get lots of rest and drink a lot of water.  ……



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