
出版时间:2003-12-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Kim Caputo  页数:319  字数:520000  


在软件开发过程中,寻求提高质量和生产效率的公司采用软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)。本书逐步讲解如何在实践中应用CMM,如何在组织机构内实施软件处理过程改进。作者以大公司工作的第一手经验,讲述如何领导软件过程改进,提供合理性建议,指出很有可能被遇到的问题,提供被证实在实现CMM中行之有效的应用解决方案。 本书主要内容有:软件过程改进,软件过程评估、改进周期、行动计划、过程文档、处理过程实现等。附带的CD-ROM所包含的模板、抽样文件和演示材料将同时使年轻和富有经验的软件工程专业人员在工作中受益。 作者Kim Caputo在Unisys公司内诸多部门多年来从事软件过程改进工作,并经常在软件工程和软件过程会议上主讲CMM实现方面的讲座,积累了丰富的经验。


Kim Caputo has for years been responsible for software process improvement in various organizations at Unisys Corporation.She is also a frequent lecturer on CMM implementation at sortware engineering and software process conferences.Given her experience a


ForewordPrefaceAcknowledgments1 Introduction: Performing Software Process lmprovement  Practical Experience and Theoretical Models   The SEPG Function   Choreography as a Metaphor for Software Process Improvment   Improvement Infrastructure   Envisioning, Encoding, and Enacting 2 Assumptions: Turning the Culture Around  Creating Movement   Communications, Expectations, and Assumptions   SEPG Activities: Visible and Invisible   Assumptions in the Capability Maturity Model 3 Assessments: Looking at Your RefIection in the Mirror  Frame of Reference   Capability Maturity as Organizational Self-Awareness   Assessment Techniques 4 lmprovement Cycles: Dancing With the Rhythms  Finding the Steps: Implementation Life Cycles   Finding the Music: The Stages of Transition   Finding the Tempo: The Pulse of Change   Confidence   Using Feedback to Manage Change 5 Action PIans' Preparing for Movement   Preparaion, Action, Finish   Visualizing the Finishing Position   Sequence of Steps   Moving from One Step to the Next   Creating a New Focus   Mdeng Progress Being Practical 6 Process Documents: CoIlaborating to Define the Steps  Collaboration   Starting from Scratch   Starting with Baggage   Process Definition Pitfalls: Shoulds and Passive Voices   People and Communication, Data and Information (PCDI) 7 Process lmplementationt Lifting the Spirits of the Performers Different Strokes for Different Folks   Measuring Overall Progress   Adoption Techniques   From Adoption to Institutionalization l   Postmortem and Risk Analysis Techniques 8 Perspectives: Dancing Together and Creating a Bette  Performance  Partnership and Teamwork   Levels of Shared Knowledge and Awareness   Three-Dimensional Perspective   Development and Discovery   Discovering Level 5 Within Each Level of the CMM   Encouraging Words AppendicesIndex




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