
出版时间:2005-2  出版社:蓝色畅想  作者:吴长镛  页数:273  


  《新编商务英语泛读》是商务英语系列教材之一。教材中的语言材料均选自当代英美报刊杂志以及某些商务专著,其内容新颖、涉及面广。本教材旨在通过较大量的阅读,使学生巩固已学的基本词汇和语法知识,扩大词汇量,加强语感,提高英语阅读能力。若配合本系列教材的其他分册使用,则更能系统地掌握商务英语的基本词汇及其表达方式,全面地获得有关商务的基本知识。  考虑到商务英语初学者的英语语言基础尚不扎实,以前又很少接触商务材料,我们对教材中涉及商务知识的阅读材料作了精心设计:随着学生在其他专业课中商务知识的逐步增加,本教材中商务材料所占的比例逐渐增大。在第1、2册中商务材料约占60%以上,在第3、4册中占80%以上,第5、6册课文均为商务材料。  本教材共计6册,每册10个单元。每单元分2个部分。第1部分由课文(Text)及相应的练习组成,其中TextA可作为主课文使用,TextB可作HomeReading使用,教师亦可根据需要作适当调整;第2部分为快速阅读(FastReading),每单元都配有2篇短文及相应的练习,其目的是培养学生在有限时间内快速准确地获取主要信息的能力,此部分可在课堂规定的时间内完成。本教材每册各配有期中与期末2套自测题,用以检查已学过的词汇、语言知识、商务知识及阅读理解能力。每册书后附有该册生词总表及练习答案,供教师和学生参考。  本教材可供普通高等学校、高等职业学校、高等专科学校以及成人高等学校商务英语专业的学生使用,亦可用作爱好英语的非商务英语专业学生的自学课本。各学校在使用本教材时可根据学生英语及商务知识的基础灵活掌握。英语基础好的学生可以直接用第2册作起点,也可有选择地使用课本中的商务材料。  由于时间仓促,水平有限,疏漏和错误之处在所难免,欢迎批评指正。




Unit 1Part A TextText A Pricing (I)Text B Pricing (Ⅱ)Part B Fast ReadingUnit 2Part A TextText A Aspects of Culture (I)Text B Aspects of Culture (Ⅱ)Part B Fast ReadingUnit 3Part A TextText A The Marketing Mix. The Four PsText B Burger King Revamps Its ImagePart B Fast ReadingUnit 4Part A TextText A PromotionText B How to Improve Your Communication Effectiveness?Part B Fast ReadingUnit 5Part A TextText A Physical DistributionText B Famous AmosPart B Fast ReadingTest 1unit 6Part A TextText A Customer RelationsText B Stew Leonard’s: The Worlds Largest Dairy StorePart B Fast ReadingUnit 7Part A TextText A International MarketingText B Parker Pens Globalization StrategyPart B Fast ReadingUnit 8Part A TextText A Methods of Payment in Foreign TradeText B The American Banking SystemPart B Fast ReadingUnit 9Part A TextText A Introduction to CompaniesText B The Income Statement and the Balance SheetPart B Fast ReadingUnit 10Part A TextText A ContractsText B Foreign ExchangePart B Fast ReadingTest 2VocabularyKey


  CompetitionA marketer must always keep in mind competition from similar products.Burger King watches the prices of McDonalds, for example. A marketeralso watches out for competition from substitute products for this reason,manufacturers of leather shoes keep an eye on the prices charged for vinylshoes. Finally, a marketer is aware of dissimilar products or services thatmight be chosen in preference to other products or services, as when abowling alley’s business might be affected by a skating rink built in the sametown.The retailers competition comes from other retailers or from discount storesseeking to sell similar items at lower prices. If retailers charge a high pricefor an item sold for less at a discount store, they must offer customerservices usually not offered by a discount store. These services mightinclude credit, gift wrapping, and well-informed salespeople.Supply and DemandSupply and demand are economic factors that influence price. Marketerswho understand these economic factors do a better job of pricing theirproducts. The relationship of price, supply and demand is very important.Demand. Demand is the amount of a product that consumers are willingand able to purchase at a given price. Only when products can actually besold at a given price is there demand for them. As a consumer you may wanta new sports car, but you may not have the money or purchasing power tobuy it. Therefore, your desire to own a sports car which you are not able tobuy is not counted in the demand for sports car. -Demand and price changes interact. An increase in price will usually causethe demand for the product to decrease. When price is lowered, demandlallygoesup, A change in demand will influence price in a similar way.




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