
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:蓝色畅想  作者:龙安志  页数:163  


有人说香格里拉在神秘圣洁的西藏,也有人说在野性激荡的青海,还有人说在艺蕴浓厚的云南。本书的作者龙安志(Laurence J.Brahm)徒步穿越了中国西部的几个省市,一路上寻访了美术家、舞蹈家、音乐家、时装设计师、作家、流行歌手、摇滚乐队、环境保护者、在基层经营援助项目的僧人、藏族活佛及牧民等等,记录下了他们对于寻找香格里拉的理解。   如果你用心寻找,香格里拉可能就在一杯香浓的咖啡或热腾腾的酥油茶中……   寻找香格里拉,你找到了吗?   也许你寻找的还不够仔细,也许香格里拉就在不远处……


About the Author,LaureneJ.Brahm,lawyer and political economist by profession advised multinational corporations on their investments in China spanning two decades,while consulting regional governments on financial,enterprise and banking reforms.
Author of over twenty books,LaurenceJ. Brahm is recognized as a leading commentator on Asian political,economic and business matters.Founder of Red Capital Studio in Beijing he is now dedicated to writing ,and creating nulti-media productions.


TIBET  Questions No Answers  Uncertain DirectionsQINGHAI  Connecting with a Stone  Nothing Left  Finding Nomads  yak Milk Cheese  MeditationYUNNAN  Alternative Space   No One Listens  Purple Moon Crying in Rain  Rock Concert in Rain  Shangri-la in a Cup of Tea  Misty Valleys   Saving Shangri-la  Flowers in the RainAfter shangri-la


插图:Where is Shangri-la? Is it Tibet? Some say Qinghai has more of that Tibetan feeling than Tibet, as if foreigners can determine better than Tibetans what Tibet should feel like. Some call this packaging. The town of Lijiang, once an ancient kingdom in Yunnan, discovered a stone tablet with the Chinese characters Xiang-ge-li-la "Shangri-la" carved on the stone. So Lijiang advertised that it was Shangri-la. Tourists poured in. But another county called Zhongdian said that they were Shangri-la. Tourists started going there too. Then some people in Sichuan said that Shangri-la must be there too. They joined the dispute.In fact, none of the officials in any of the self-proclaimed Shangri-la were looking for Shangri-la. Maybe they were just looking for tourist dollars on the back of packaging, franchising and distributing Shangri-la. One day I sat in a Beijing Starbucks drinking coffee with pop singer Ai Jing. "A coffee shop is like a 'peach garden beyond the realm'," she explained. "If you want to find a place more open and expansive, well everyone has this in their mind, a place where they can feel freedom from urban hassles." I began to think about this, staring into a cup of cafe latte, looking for a connection to this peach garden thing.I told her about the Tibetan ponies and my decision to follow them even if the direction was uncertain. I described the place where I kept seeing the ponies, a vast Tibetan plain surrounded by snow capped mountains. She said it sounded like Shangri-la, a place she had heard about, once, maybe twice. It could be found in a cup of cafe latte if one looked carefully enough. I looked into my cup of cafe latte and did not understand. She said I was not looking carefully enough.







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