
出版时间:2005-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:华仲乐  页数:201  


  This book is designed to help learners of oral English at an advanced level. The intended readers are medical students, medical professionals, and those involved in hospital management and work who are bent on success and have a strong desire to improve their oral English.  The book relates to a complete story, divided into episodes, that has a hospital as its setting, and the administrator, doctors, lab technicians, and staff members as its main characters. The story is meant to be a vehicle through which we try to show how native speakers of English really speak in various situations of daily work and life in a hospital. The conversations presented can be heard most frequently in real life.


Part ⅠIntroduction A Kaleidoscope of Colors (七彩广角)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudyScene One Anxiety in the Department of Radiology(放射阴影)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationScene Two Crisis in the Department of Gynecology(婚检惊变)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationScene Three Hard Tracing in the Main-Floor Corridor(走廊追踪)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationScene Four A Bitter Complaint about Unfair Charges(收费投拆)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationPart ⅡEpisode One Delayed Reports from Pathology(拖延误时)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Two A Superb Actor(老将出马)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Three Good Lessons to Learn(语重心长)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Four Disputes at the Surgical-Mortality Conference(唇枪舌剑)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Five Preliminary Encounter(投石问路)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Six A Man of Action(当机立断)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Seven Who to Recruit(寻觅真才)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Eight Gross Conference(蛛丝马迹)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Nine Two OId-Timers(老兄老弟)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Ten Are You Kidding? (难以置信)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Eleven Colemans Debut(崭露头角)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Twelve A Fighter and Arguer(抗争斗士)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for ImitationEpisode Thirteen A Hairline Case(良恶难辨)Language NotesRelevant FactsPoints to Ponder and DiscussSelected Words and Expressions in Common UsagePhrasal Verb StudySentences for Imitation……Appendix Idioms of Part of the BodyReferences



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