
出版时间:2005-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:本社  页数:234  


  为了迎接入世挑战,满足高等院校和广大学习者提高商务英语技能的需求,高等教育出版社引进了培生教育出版集团出版的Market Leader和Power House系列教材,将这两套教材改编为《体验商务英语》系列教材。该系列教材由《综合教程》、《同步练习》、《听说教程》、《教师用书》以及配套的录音带和录像资料组成。该系列教材为学习者提供了全新的学习方式,即在体验中学习商务英语,进而提高运用英语进行商务交际的能力。针对中国人学习商务英语的特点,改编组在原教材的基础上补充了有关商务知识的注释和有中英文注释的词汇表。


《体验商务英语》系列教材为学习者提供了全新的学习方式,即在体验中学习商务英语,进而提高运用英语进行商务交际的能力,该系列教材是在培生教育出版集团出版的Mardet Leader和Powerhouse系列教材的基础上改编的,由《综合教程》、《听说教程》、《同步练习》、《教师用书》和配套的录音、录像资料等组成。


Notes on unitsUnit 1 GIobaUsation At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 2 Brands At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 3 Travel At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 4 Advertising At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 5 Employment At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 6 Trade At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 7 Innovation At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 80rganisation At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 9 Money At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 10 Ethics At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 11 Change At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 12 Strategy At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 13 Cultures At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 14 Leadership At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 15 Competition At a glance Business brief Lesson notesUnit 16 Quality At a glance Business brief Lesson notesText bank Teacher's notes Unit 1 GlobaUsation  One size fits all  The non-globalisation of taste? Unit 2 Brands  Brand development and advertising  Brand-stretching Unit 3 Travel  The automation of travel  Hotels and globalisation Unit 4 Advertising  TV advertising  Word-of-mouth advertising……Resource bankAudio script


  Background  Books closed, find out if any of your SS are or have been involved in the music industry and briefly elicit details. Ask SS what music retailers they know (e.g. HMV, Virgin). Find out which one(s) they use themselves and briefly elicit details of their size, positioning, history, success, etc. Tell SS they are going to read about a UK music retailer called Orbit Records. Write Locations and Products on the board. Tell SS to read Background and note down where the company is located and what products it sells. When they have finished, they compare and finalise their answers in pairs.  Check the answers with the whole class and collate them on the board (Locations- London, UK, Germany; Products -CDs, computer games, videos, tee-shirts, adventure holidays, concert tickets, books, comics).  A change of leadership Write Signs of leadership failure on the board and elicit some ideas that might apply to Orbit. Tell SS to read through the section headed A change of leadership and note down the signs of leadership failure that are mentioned. When they have finished, they compare and finalise their answers in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class and collate them on the board (poor strategy, lack of clear vision, unable to communicate well, poor morale).


  《同步练习》提供语法、词汇、写作和语音、听说练习及测试题,配有录音,可作为BEC考试的参考练习。  《体验商务英语3》特点:  将国际商务活动引入课堂,体验真实的商务世界。角色扮演和案例学习将体验式学习引向深入。教学设计严谨,为体验式学习打好基础。教学资源丰富,为体验式教学提供有力支持。




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用户评论 (总计13条)


  •   没教材,买教师用书
  •   书是好书,不过太专业。学生买教师用书完全不适用。
  •   EF用的教材
  •   速度快,书也很好……
  •   当当买书,放心也便捷。有一次我自己多拍了一本,一个电话,快递上门取书,而且没有二话就退钱给我,真的很好的服务。
  •   因为这学期上这门课,所以很好用
  •   便于预习、复习相结合,解决了课堂上遇到的难题,支持!
  •   非常实用,有针对性,很有帮助
  •   学习英语好帮手
  •   用来跟教材配套。
  •   全英的
  •   买了很悔的书,。。好不实用!
  •   對學習有幫助

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