
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:LorraineC.Smith  页数:151  


  《大学英语泛读教程教师参考书(预备级1)》是为大学教师的英语教学参考。全书用英文形式呈现,适合教授预备级一年级学生的老师使用。主要内容包括:Themes for Today 和 Insights for Today两大部分。


To the TeacherThemes for Today  Teacher Notes  Answer Key  Video Scripts  AssessmentInsights for Today  Teacher Notes  Answer Key    Video Scripts  Assessment


  This chapter also deals with homeschooling, a good reason to establish a basic understanding of the concept in Chapter 1. Having done that, discuss the differences between subjects you are required to study in public schools as contrasted to the kinds of things you could study in homeschooling. In Chicago, Nick, the oldest son in the reading, didnt do well in math. But he began to enjoy it when his mother taught him. Music is usually taught as an elective in public schools although math is a required subject. Mathematical skills are believed to be essential for success in life, but musical skills are seen as optional. In fact, some school systems no longer offer music because they have had to make budget cuts and some parents see music as an extra, a "frill." However, research has shown that students who learn to play a musical instrument have better overall academic success and better memories.  One reason some parents homeschool their children is that they want them to develop practical skills that will be valuable for the rest of their lives in the communities where they live. The Amish, a religious group living a very traditional agricultural lifestyle, is a good example of this. They teach their children household and farming skills that they need to know to function in Amish society. Have the class discuss the kinds of skills the Cabey-Gray family is teaching their children in Maine. Will they be able to use these skills later in life as adults? If the children went to public school in a small town in Maine, would they learn the same things?



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