
出版时间:2004-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:吴树敬  页数:158  字数:400000  


《大学体验英语一课一练》是普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材《大学体验英语》的系列配套用书。本系列用书在题型设计上紧扣《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》,帮助学生提高实战能力;在内容安排上与《大学体验英语综合教程》和《大学体验英语扩展教程》各单元主题密切相关,便于学生活学活用,举一反三。 本系列用书每册共10个部分,其中8个单元是《大学体验英语综合教程》相关各单元的配套练习,每单元由听力理解、词汇练习、阅读理解、综合运用和写作五部分组成。本书为其中的第四册。


Unit 1 Men and Women's Prejudices Unit 2 Cu1ture Unit 3 Copyright Unit 4 1anguage and EconomySe1f-assessment Test (Unit 1——Unit 4) Unit 5 Business Ethics Unit 6 Psycho1ogica1 Hea1th Unit 7 Hopes and Fears for the Future Unit 8 G1oba1ization-For and AgainstSe1f-assessment Test (Unit 5——Unit 8)Keys to ExercisesTapescripts


  Now that there’s a baby,you’re no longer a couple;you’re a family!But competing schedulesand obligations can make acting like a family a little difficult.These days,more and more dadsare finding ways to shoulder the burdens——and ioys——of parenthood.And you might not realizeit,but a slight change in Dad’S work schedule can free up a lot of time to spend with the kids.  Many fathers opt for different lifestyles and alternative work schedules to spend more timewith their families or reduce the amount of time their kids spend in daycare.Some men work earlyor late shifts,or work part time,and solne have even become stay.at.home dads while Morn works.Here are some creative ways fathers are creating more family time.  Work more hours per day.and fewer days per week.One way to go about this is to work 40hours in four days instead of five by working four 10.hour days.Another common schedule isworking nine hours a day and having a day off every other week.  Parents start work at different hours to minimize the amount of time the children are awayfrom home.For example.one parent could start work at 6:00 a.m.and one at 9:00 a.m..thechildren are dropped off"at the daycare by the parent who leaves later,and picked up by the parentwho gets off work earlier.Juggle this the right way,and daycare is no longer a necessity.  If a father works less than 40 hours a week,the family might feel a little pinch in thepocketbook.But sortie families ctnl handle it by making a consciOUS choice to live more simply.Many health-care positions are I)ecoming part.time,giving workers more days off.Some positionsare 24 hours a week(two 12.hour shifts).



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