
出版时间:2006-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:汤姆森  页数:646  字数:840000  


本书为高等教育出版社“世界优秀教材中国版”系列教材之一。   为了更好的优化、整合世界优秀教育资源,并通过本土化使其最大程度地发挥作用,丰富我国的教育资源,促进我国的教学改革,提高我国高等教育的教学质量,高等教育出版社决定出版“世界优秀教材中国版”系列教材。   “世界优秀教材中国版”系列教材具有以下特征:   1.从全球各知名教育出版社精选最好的教育资源进行本土化改造,形成新的系列教材;       2.由国内一流学者根据我国高等学校的专业设置、课程体系及教学要求,对所选资源进行英文改编或中文改编,使之更具教学适用性;   3.围绕纸质版主教材,形成包括多媒体及网络资源与服务的整体教学资源集成方案,力争为广大师生提供最优的教学资源与信息服务。    希望该系列教材的出版能为我国高等学校教学改革和教育资源建设作出贡献。


作者:(美国)汤姆森 (Brian S.Thomson) (美国)布鲁克纳 (Judith B.Bruckner) 改编:钟承奎 赵敦 邱春雨


前言1 实数性质  1.1 引言  1.2 实数系  1.3 代数结构  1.4 序结构  1.5 界  1.6 上确界和下确界  1.7 Archimedes性质  1.8 N的归纳性质  1.9 有理数是稠密的  1.10 R的度量结构  1.11 具挑战性的问题2 序列  2.1 引言  2.2 序列    2.2.1 序列的例子  2.3 十可数集  2.4 收敛性  2.5 发散性  2.6 极限的有界性  2.7 极限的代数  2.8 极限的序性质  2.9 单调收敛判别法  2.10 极限的例子  2.11 子列  2.12 Cauchy收敛准则  2.13 上极限和下极限  2.14 具挑战性的问题3 实数集  3.1 引言  3.2 点    3.2.1 内点    3.2.2 孤立点    3.2.3 聚点    3.2.4 边界点  3.3 集合    3.3.1 闭集    3.3.2 开集    3.4  初等拓扑    3.5 紧性    3.5.1 Bolzano-Weierstrass性质    3.5.2 tCantor交性质    3.5.3 tCousin性质    3.5.4 Heine—Borel性质    3.5.5 紧集  3.6 可数集  3.7 稠密集  3.8 无处稠密集  3.9 Cantor集    3.9.1 Cantor三分点集的构造    3.9.2 十K的算术构造    3.10 零测集    3.11 具挑战性的问题4 连续函数        4.1 极限介绍    4.1.1 极限(E-O定义)    4.1.2 极限(序列定义)……5 微分6 积分7 无穷和8 函数序列和函数项级数9 幂级数10 Euclid空间Rn11 Rn上的微分12 度量空间附录A:背景知训附录B:选作练习的提示索引


1.1 IntroductionElementary calculus courses always avoid any foundational problems by sim-ply not proving the statements that would need them, a large number of basic properties concerning numbers are assumed. Here we cannot do this. We must start with the real number system.Historically much of calculus was undertaken without any clear under-standing of the real numbers. To be sure the mathematicians of the time had a firm intuitive grasp of the nature of the real numbers and often found precisely the right tool to use in their proofs, but in many cases the tools could not be justified by any line of reasoning.By the 1870s mathematicians such as Georg Cantor (1845-1918) and Richard Dedekind (1831-1916) had found ways to describe the real numbers that seemed rigorous. We could follow their example and find a presentation of the real numbers that starts at the very beginning and leads up slowly to the exact tools that we need to study analysis.The approach we shall take is simply to list all the tools that are needed in such a study and take them for granted. You may consider that the real number system is exactly as you have always imagined it. You can sketch pictures of the real line and measure distances and consider the order just as before. Nothing is changed from high school algebra or calculus. But when we come to prove assertions about real numbers or real functions or real sets, we must use exactly the tools here and not rely on our intuition.




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