
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:斯马德井(Sharon E.Smaldino)、James D.Russell、Robert Heinich、 等 高等教育出版社 (2005-08出版)  作者:(美)斯马德井 等 著  页数:403  






作者:(美国)斯马德井(Sharon E.Smaldino) (美国)James D.Russell (美国)Robert Heinich 等


PART 1 Learnir FoundationsThe Pervasiveness of'Instructional TechnologyCHAFFER l Technology,Media,and LearningCHAFFER 2 Instructional SystemsCHAFFER 3 The ASSURE Model:Creating the Learnin ExperienceCHAFFER 4 Visual PrinciplesPART 2 D∞I EnvironmentsCHAFFER S ComputersCHAFFER 6 MultimediaCHAFFER 7 Distance EducationCHAFFER 8 Online LearningPART 3 TraditionaI MediaCHAFFER 9 InstructionaI Materials and DisplaysI-IAPTER 10 VisualsCHAPTER 11 AudioCHAFI'ER 12 VideoPART4 Trends inTechnologyand MediaCHAPTER 13 Lookir~AheadPARTS Claroom ResourcesSE(TIIf)N A Photography and VisualsSECTION B Equipment and SetupsSECTION C How To Step-by-Step GuidesGlf)sRARY


插图:In Chapter 2 we discussed the distinction between gam-ing and simulation. A game activity may or may not en-tail simulation elements. Likewise, a game may or maynot be instructional. It depends on whether the skillpracticed in the game is an academic one——that is, relatedto a specific instructional objective or a workplace skill.  Recreational games can serve a useful purpose inbuilding computer literacy in an enjoyable, nonth reaten-ing manner. But, the ultimate goal of useful learningmust be kept in mind. Instructors experienced in com-puter utilization recommend rationing purely recre-ational game use, using it as a reward for completingother assignments. Games range from those with specificlearning outcomes, such as Logical Journey of the Zoom-binis (see "Media Files: Computer Software 1"), to thosethat emphasize entertainment while teaching problem-solving strategies, such as King Arthur's Magic Castle.


《教学技术与媒体(第8版·影印版)》是教育部高等教育司推荐国外优秀信息科学与技术系列教学用书。权威性——教育部高等教育司推荐、教育部高等学校信息科学与技术引进教材专家组遴选系统性——覆盖计算机专业主干课程和非计算机专业计算机基础课程先进性——著名汁算机专家近两年的最新著作,内容体系先进经济性——价格与国内自编教材相当,是国内引进教材价格最低的Instructional Technology and Media for Learning, Eighth EditionFor courses in Instructional media and Technology.Now even more applied, the eighth edition of Instructional Technology and Media for Learning offers a unique chapter-caseframework grounded in the popular ASSURE model. This new, integrated chapter-case framework teaches readers to applycurrent and future computer, multimedia, Intemet/intranet, learning foundations, and audiovisual technologies to classrootftinstruction. It also assists readers in connecting chapter concepts, Companion Website, and CD-ROM resources to classroomapplication, guides readers through a full case using the ASSURE model, and provides readers with valuable practice in applying the ASSURE model to create lesson plans for their own classrooms.New to This Edition New! ASSURE Case Chapter Framework - based on the popular ASSURE model readers are stepped through ASSURE  Case Challenge, ASSURE Case Connections. ASSURE Case in Practice, Create Your Own ASSURE Lesson in Chapters 4-12.ASSURE Case Challenge - Engaging case scenarios are introduced at the beginning of Chapters 4-12.ASSURE Case Connections - Provides questions throughout the chapter narrative.ASSURE Case in Practice - An expanded ASSURE Case Challenge at the end of each chapter, modeling how to connect  the ASSURE model with planning.Create Your Own ASSURE Lesson - This end-of-chapter feature is used after experiencing a full ASSURE Case in  Practice.Classroom Link Portfolio CD-ROM - Enhanced functionality and selection rubric tools. Connection to ISTE NETS. Tstandards - Authors provide a chapter-by-chapter connection and tie end-of-chapter  activities to the ISTE NETS. Tstandards.




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  •   速度不怎么快,但是质量不错
  •   一本英文版本教材,适合于专业外语以及计算机辅助教学相关研究用书,不过翻译版本已出现!看时需要有严谨的学术作风!!
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