
出版时间:2011-5  出版社:高等教育  作者:侯侠 编  页数:185  


  《全国职业高专教育“十一五”规划教材:化工专业英语》共分为17个单元,每个单元都由精读部分和泛读部分组成。主要内容包括:基础化学、化工单元操作过程、炼油技术、无机化工、有机化工、精细化工、高分子化工、生物化工、清洁生产等。同时,为了提高学生阅读能力,将基础知识与工程实际相结合,还特意编进了一些产品和设备的说明书、设备的安装说明书。附录中设有数学符号表、常用有机基团名称表、化学元素表、单词表等。  《全国职业高专教育“十一五”规划教材:化工专业英语》适用于应用性、技能型人才培养的各类教育,也可供相关科技人员参考。


Lesson 1 Atomic structureReading material Chemical bondingLesson 2 Nomenclature of organic compounds-hydrocarbonsReading material BenzeneLesson 3 F1uid-flow phenomenaReading material PumpsLesson 4 Heat transferReading material Heat exchangersLesson 5 Distillation principleReading material Distillation methodsLesson 6 Gas absorptionReading material Plate columns and packed columnsLesson 7 CrystallizationReading material Filtration and dryingLesson 8 The technologies of petroleum refiningReading material GasolineLesson 9 Synthetic ammoniaReading material Introduction to inorganic materials chemistryLesson 10 StyreneReading material Organic chemical processing technologyLesson 11 Food additivesReading material Considerations of industrial fine chemical synthesisLesson 12 Polymerization techniquesReading material PolymersLesson 13 Biochemical engineeringReading material VitaminsLesson 14 Clean coal technologiesReading material Clean produtionLesson 15 Computers and chemical engineeringReading material The introduction about a software applicationLesson 16 Specification sheet of some devicesReading material Specification sheet and introduction of materialsLesson 17 The instrumentation of compressor of control systemReading material Operating instructions of lab-scale systemAppendix 1 Names of common organic radicalsAppendix 2 The table of chemical elementsAppendix 3 Mathematical symbolsAppendix 4 Glossary参考文献




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